TROPCROP : version history
Current editor's version (07feb2025)
- 6820 graphics (= +80 since latest version).
- Errors corrected:
Kernels inside the fruit of maté (Ilex paraguariensis) were incorrectly termed 'mericarps'; changed into 'pyrenes (nutlets)'.
CropPix > Slideshow: crop name was missing in slide on gum arabic (Senegalia senegal).
CropPix > Cape gooseberry: going from photo 1 or photo 2 to the next photo in Manual Mode gave a blank.
CropPix > mastic: "... imparipinnately compound leaf ..." corrected into "... paripinnately compound leaf ...".
TropicOrn > Slideshow > cannon ball tree > location in photo caption "full-grown fruits on the tree ..." corrected.
* Screen texts completed: 1805 (= +0 since latest version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1805 = 48).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 92 (= +0 ; still to go: 17).
- Auxiliary Plants: .....
- Beverages & Stimulants: ....
- Elastomer Plants: ....
- Fibre Plants: ....
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/pt: +photo.
- Oil Plants: ....
- Protein Plants: Chickpea/gd: +photo, text adapted.
- Spices: .....
- Starch Plants: Breadfruit/pt: +photo ; Buckwheat/us: +photo.
- Sugar Plants: ....
- Vegetables: Common cabbage/df: text adapted ; Lettuce/cv: +2 photos.
- 590 photos (= +1 since latest version):
added 1 (breadfruit (fruits).
removed 0 ([crop] ([subject])).
upgraded/replaced 0 ([crop] ([subject])).
- 486 photos (= +0 since latest version):
added 0 ([crop] ([subject])).
removed 0 ([crop] ([subject])).
upgraded/replaced 0 ([crop] ([subject])).
- 4172 pictures (= +35 since latest version):
added 35 (arrowroot (young shoots), breadfruits (fruits as retailed(2x), buckwheat (beer, soba dish), chickpea (very young seedlings), common cabbage (heads of 3 varieties on market, heads of 4 varieties (sideview), heads of 4 varieties in LS, young seedling of oxheart cabbage, habit of young oxheart cabbage, early-heading plant of oxheart cabbage, seedling of red cabbage, habit (headed) of red cabbage, head in TS(3x) of red cabbage, habit (young) of savoy cabbage, harvested savoy cabbages on market), Grecian foxglove (leaf rosette), jackfruit ('rags', pulp of 2 varieties), lettuce (celtuce as retailed), lime (lime&lemon marmalade), longan (fruit vendor), orange (green yellow-fleshed fruit & juice, juice vendors, Florida licence plate), pummelo (pear-shaped fruits as retailed), tamarind (flowers(3x), immature fruits as retailed), taro (crisps), true aloe (plantation)).
removed 0 ([crop] ([subject)).
upgraded/replaced 3 (common cabbage (head of oxheart cabbage in LS), mango (habit), true aloe (leaves as retailed)).
- Major data additions: [crop].
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since latest version). Full PROTA texts: 47 (=+1 since latest version (chickpea). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0 since latest version([crop]).
CROPPIX global
- Grecian foxglove now also accessible via its alternatine vernacular name 'woolly foxglove'.
- shiso now also accessible via its alternatine vernacular name 'perilla'.
- 483 crops (= +8 (alyce clover a.k.a. one-leaf clover (Alysicarpus vaginalis), carabao teats (Uvaria rufa), celtuce a.k.a. stem lettuce (Lactuca sativa Stem Lettuce Gp), kadam a.k.a. cadamba a.k.a. burflower tree (Neoalamarckia cadamba), oxheart cabbage (Brassica oleracea Capitata Conica Gp), pepper elder (Peperomia pellucida), savoy cabbage (Brassica oleracea Capitata Sabauda Gp), water mimosa (Neptunia oleracea)).
- 2866 photos (= +84 since latest version):
added 84 (alyce clover (leaves (shapes, details), inflorescence), arrowroot (young shoots), breadfruit (fruits as retailed, ~ close up), buckwheat (beer, soba dish), carabao teats (fruit cluster, cut and opened fruits), celtuce (as retailed), chickpea (very young seedling), dish, hummus), citron (leaves in situ, flower (fingered citron), very young fruits (fingered citron), young fruit (fingered citron), retailing (fingered citron)), Grecian foxglove (leaf rosette), jackfruit (rags, pulp (yellow,orange), kadam (fruits (whole,TS,LS)), kafir lime (fruit (LS,TS), jelly), lemon (use, marmalade, liqueur) lime (lime&lemon marmalade), longan (fruit vendor), mango (habit, flush, chutney), orange (green yellow-fleshed fruit & juice, juice vendors, Florida licence plate), oxheart cabbage (young seedling, habit of young plant, habit in early heading stage, head LS, heads as retailed), pepino (fruits as retailed), pepper elder (leafy shoots as retailed, dish), perennial ryegrass (habit vegetative, tillers ex situ, folded emerging leaf), pummelo (pear-shaped fruits), radishes (young seedlings, rosette black winter radish, fruits and seeds, round black winter radish) , red cabbage (head in TS(3x), roselle - vegetable type (seeds, harvested stems, aerating dried calyces, products), savoy cabbage (habit (very young), habit (young), habit (older, before heading), early heading stage, heads as retailed), shiso (leaves as retailed, usage in kimbab), sponge gourd (young seedling), tamarind (flowers(3x), immature fruits as retailed), taro (crisps), true aloe (plantation), water mimosa (habit, leaves, inflorescence, young fruits, shoots as retailed)) ;
removed 0 ([crop] ([subject])) ;
upgraded/replaced 1 (true aloe (leaves as retailed)).
- ....
- 71 taxa (= +1 (Mexican bluebell (Ruellia simplex))).
- 293 photos (= +5 since latest version):
added 5 (angel's trumpet (habit wild), Mexican bluebell (habit, flower with butterfly), yellow trumpetbush (orange-throated variety)) ;
removed 0 ([plant name] ([subject])) ;
upgraded/replaced 0 ([plant name] ([subject])).
Version 2.46 (28may2024)
- 6740 graphics (= +111 since latest version).
- Errors corrected:
TropCrop > Scientific species name for Guinea grass updated from Panicum maximum to Megathyrsus maximus.
TropCrop > Scientific genus name for pitaya a.k.a. dragon fruit updated from Hylocereus to Selenicereus.
CropPix > cauliflower: part used as vegetable corrected from 'congested axillary leafy shoot' (which is the used part of Brussels sprouts) to 'swollen young inflorescence'.
TropicOrn > giant crêpe-myrtle: plant name remained blank in slide show (the show logic could not handle the diacritic).
* Screen texts completed: 1805 (= +2 since latest version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1805 = 48).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 92 (= +1 ; still to go: 17).
- Fruits & Nuts: Melon/ct: +photo ; Test>Vendedora de Frutas: no.14,15 identified as cuamúchil a.k.a. camachile (Pithecellobium dulce).
- Spices: Turmeric/us: +photo, text adapted, ../pc: +photo, text adapted.
- Starch Plants: Finger millet/it: text adapted, ../pc: +photo, text adapted, ../df: +photo, +drawing.
- Vegetables: Bitter gourd/it: photo replaced, ../us: +photo, text adapted, ../pt: photo replaced, ../ct: +2photos, ../cv: text adapted, +3photos, ../pc: +photo, +text, ../hb: drawing replaced by photo, ../fs: +photo, text adapted, ../rt: +text, ../gd: +photo, ../df: photo replaced ; Lettuce/ct: +photo, ../cv: +2photos.
- 589 photos (= +2 since latest version):
added 2 (bitter gourd (green fruit in situ), proso millet (habit)).
removed 0.
upgraded/replaced 1 (bitter gourd (mixed)).
- 486 photos (= +1 since latest version):
added 1 (lettuce (heads of butterhead lettuce)).
removed 0.
upgraded/replaced 0.
- 4137 pictures (= +47 since latest version):
added 47 (bitter gourd (seedlings, habit, flower details, cultivation on trellis, fruits as wholesaled and retailed, use, product), cauliflower (as retailed in village market), carrot (root in LS), common bean (dry pink seeds), faba bean (immature pods & seeds as retailed), fig (fruits as retailed, fig tattoo), finger millet (young seedlings, plant base, young inflorescence, sprouted grains), guava (fruits as retailed), Guinea grass (habits, leaf details, inflorescence, flowering spikelets), lettuce (vegetative habit of butterhead and leaf cvs, irrigation), melon (seeds, young plants), musk pumpkin (dish), neem (habit, as shade tree, fruit squeezed open, young leaves and inflorescence as vegetable (as retailed, dish)), olive (kernels), onion (sets), turmeric (powder)).
removed 0.
upgraded/replaced 1 (bitter gourd (flower details)).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since latest version). Full PROTA texts: 46(=+0 since latest version. (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0 since latest version([crop]).
CROPPIX global
- added to uses of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea): blue food colouring (petals).
- 475 crops (= +6 (camachile a.k.a. guyamochil a.k.a. Manila tamarind a.k.a. sweet inga (Pithecellobium dulce), dill (Anethum graveolens), Egyptian clover a.k.a. berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum), reversed clover a.k.a. Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum), wasabi a.k.a. Japanese horseradish (Eutrema japonicum), wax apple a.k.a. Semarang rose apple (Syzygium samarangense)).
- 2782 photos (= +101 since latest version):
added 104 (apricot (habit flowering, flowers, habit in leaf), bamboo (sprouts retail in Japan), bitter gourd (seedlings, trellis tunnel cultivation, male flower top+side, female flower details, androecium+gynaecium close up, green+ripening fruit on plant, green+ripe fruits ex situ, fruits as wholesaled, div. fruit varieties as retailed, use, product), caimito (leaves and branches in situ, two sides of leafy branch tip), camachile (opened fruit), carrot (root LS), cauliflower (village market), common bean (young seedling, 3 cvs of immature green fruits (whole, TS), 3 cvs of immature fruits as retailed, fresh mature seeds as retailed, ripening field of bush-type plants, dry pink seeds, processed products), crimson clover (stem, young inflorescence, inflorescence top with bee, old inflorescences, inflorescence top past bloom), dill (young seedlings), Egyptian clover (leaf, inflorescence), European plum (inflorescence), faba bean (immature pods and seeds as retailed), fig (fruits as retailed, tattoo), finger millet (young seedlings, plant base, leaf details, young inflorescence, harvested ears, sprouted grains), guava (fruits as retailed), Guinea grass (habits, leaf details, flowering panicle, spikelets, flowering spikelets), kale (ornamental variety), lettuce (hb cvs butterhead, leaf, romaine, irrigation), liberica coffee (leaves, fruits in situ), lotus (rhizome tempura), madagascar periwinkle (use as ornamental), melon (seeds, young plants, flowering shoot, fruits as retailed, use, product), musk pumpkin (dish), neem (habit, as shade tree, fruit squeezed open, young leaves and inflorescence as vegetable (as retailed, dish), seed press cake), olive (kernels), onion (sets, products), pearl millet (product), proso millet (leaf details), radish (2 forms of daikon-type winter radish), reversed clover (habit, leaves, stem, inflorescence), sesban (seedlings), timothy (seedlings), shiso (leaf used as condiment), turmeric (young shoots, product (powder)), wasabi (stems as retailed), water apple (fruits in situ, fruits in situ close up), wax apple (fruits as retailed)) ;
removed 3 (bitter gourd (male flower topvw, male flower sidevw, ripening fruit on plant)) ;
upgraded/replaced 1 (liberica coffee (seeds)).
- ...
- 70 taxa (= +0 ([taxon] ([scientific name]))).
- 288 photos (= +1 since latest version):
added 1 (flamboyant (branches in full bloom)) ;
removed 0 ;
upgraded/replaced 0.
Version 2.45 (11jun2023)
- 6629 graphics (= +246 since latest version).
- Errors corrected:
TropCrop > Scientific species name for apple updated from Malus pumila (back) to Malus domestica (conserved name).
TropCrop > Scientific species name for Mexican hawthorn a.k.a. tejocote updated from Crataegus pubescens to Crataegus mexicana.
TropCrop > Scientific species name for pak choi updated from Brassica rapa Pak Choi Group to Brassica rapa Chinensis Group.
TropCrop > Scientific species name for petsai updated from Brassica rapa Chinese Cabbage Group to Brassica rapa Pekinensis Group.
TropCrop > Scientific species name for whiteball acacia updated from Acacia angustissima to Acaciella angustissima.
TropCrop > The genus Nopalea is now considered part of the genus Opuntia; the scientific names for nopal and prickly pear species have been adapted accordingly.
TropCrop > Dish with white, large-seeded common beans corrected to dish with lima beans (large-seeded type).
TropCrop > 'cape gooseberry' corrected to 'Cape gooseberry' as in this case Cape is a geographic adjective referring to the Cape of Good Hope, one of the early areas of cultivation of this fruit.
CropPix > entry 'arrowroot - East Indian' made the same as entry 'East Indian arrowroot'.
CropPix > entry 'Cape gooseberry a.k.a physalis': colour code indicating the existence of lemma 'Cape goosberry' in TC-Pedia was missing.
CropPix > entry 'tomato - bitter' made the same as entry 'bitter tomato'.
CropPix > capers > photo of jar of salted capers: missing caption added.
CropPix > petsai > photo of inspection of heads in the market: missing caption added.
CropPix > radishes > photo of close-up of black winter radish in Picture List was mistakenly the same as previous one.
CropPix > sala > starting a pics cycle from sala02mt.jpg erroneously continued with salak.
TropicOrn > Christ thorn a.k.a. crown of thorns: number of picture entries for Christ thorn (5) made the same as for crown of thorns (14).
TropicOrn > bloodflower milkweed: subfamily corrected from Asclepiadioideae to Asclepiadoideae.
* Screen texts completed: 1803 (= +2 since latest version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1803 = 50).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Fibre Plants: Kenaf/ct: photo upgraded, ../fl: photo replaced, drawing removed, text adapted.
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/lf,df: image upgraded ; Test > Vendedora de Frutas: picture upgraded.
- Oil Plants: Rapeseed/fs: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Common bean/us: -photo ; Lima bean/pc: +photo.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/hb: photo upgraded.
- Starch Plants: Rice/cv,fl,fs: text adapted ; Tannia: +background photo, ../it,us,ct,hb,st,df: photo upgraded.
- Vegetables: Common cabbage/it: text updated ; Cucumber/fs: +photo ; Okra/pt: +photo, ../ct: photo upgraded, ../pc: +photo, ../lf: photo upgraded, ../fl: photo replaced, +photo, text adapted ; Onion/df: +photo ; Onion/fs: +2 photos, text adapted ; Pak-choi/st,rt: +text.
- 587 photos (= +2 since latest version):
added 4 (cucumber (fruit), pineapple (habit/field), soya bean (dry fruit&seed), tomato (fruit)).
removed 2 (sea-island cotton (flower), pineapple (inflorescence).
upgraded/replaced 13 (capsicum pepper (habit-fruiting), kenaf (flower), maize (habit), okra (habit, leaves, fruit), pumpkins & squashes (fruit of C.maxima), rice (field/habit), sorghum (flowering, fruits), soya bean (fruit), tea (habit, leaves, fruit).
- NEW: CROPQUIZZZ global, a quiz to test your ability to recognize 100 crops grown anywhere in the world from (to date) 485 photos.
Entry 'Java citronella' changed into 'Java citronella grass', in accordance with its alternative name 'Java lemongrass', and because citronella as such is more commonly known as the name for the essential oil distilled from the grass.
- 4090 pictures (= +34 since latest version):
added 35 (broccoli (dishes), Cape gooseberry (fruits (whole, LS, and TS)), cucumber (fruit (whole and TS)), durian (monument), grapefruit (use), jackfruit (transport ban notice), kenaf (young seedling, flower, pest), lime (fruits of golden lime and kaffir lime for comparison), mammoth squash a.o. (fruits of cv. Crown), Manila hemp (young still-rolled leaf), okra (topview of young seedlings, flower buds topview, flower buds sideview, sideview of flower, fruits for sale, dried-fruit meal), onion (vegetative habit, infructescences (closed fruits, split fruits, close up)), pak choi (young plant), parsley (young infructescence), Persian walnut (use), pomegranate (trunks, orchard, fruits for sale), rapeseed (B.napus) (ripe fruits in situ), zucchini a.o. (young zucchini seedlings)).
removed 1 (groundnut (habit (small picture))).
upgraded/replaced 18 (buckwheat (inflorescence/infructescence), capsicum pepper (habit-fruiting), carrot (young seedling), citrus-div (drawing of leaf shapes), cucumber (growth and development of flower to fruit), kenaf (bundles of harvested plants), okra (seeds, sideview of young seedlings, field, leaves of 2 cvs), parsley (curly-leaf leaf tip), pomegranate (habit), tannia (habit, corm details, cultivation, corms for sale).
- 20 video clips (= +0 since latest version ([crop] ([subject]))).
- Major data additions: [crop].
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since latest version). Full PROTA texts: 46 (=+1 since latest version (kenaf (from PROTA no.2 - Vegetables). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0 since latest version([crop]).
CROPPIX global
NEW: to select a crop in Manual Mode you can now choose between a Crop List sorted alphabetically by common name or alphabetically by scientific name.
- Pictures on East Indian arrowroot (Tacca leontopetaloides) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'Polynesian arrowroot'.
- Pictures on husk tomato (Physalis philadelphica) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'tomatillo'.
- Pictures on pak choi (Brassica rapa Chinensis Group) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'bok choy'.
- Pictures on petsai (Brassica rapa Pekinensis Group) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'napa cabbage'.
- Pictures on sapote (Pouteria sapota) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'mamey sapote'.
- The entry 'galanga (Alpinia galanga)' has been changed into 'greater galangal a.k.a. lengkuas a.k.a. laos (Alpinia galanga)', as 'galanga' is loosely used for several other Zingiberaceae spices, as well, and therefore confusing.
- 469 crops (= +13 (acerola a.k.a. West Indian cherry a.k.a. Barbados cherry (Malpighia emarginata), caraway (Carum carvi), climbing wattle (Senegalia pennata), fingerroot a.k.a. Chinese keys a.k.a. Chinese ginger (Boesenbergia rotunda), fragrant pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius), jambolan (Syzygium cumini), kauri a.k.a. kauri pine (Agathis spp.), lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum), redcurrant (Ribes rubrum), sea beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima), timothy (Phleum pratense), triticale (xTriticosecale spp.), West Indian lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus))).
- 2681 photos (= +154 since latest version):
added 154 (acerola (habit, branch, flowers, fruits, seeds), apple (inflorescence, flower), araz (product), black henbane (hb, leaf), black locust (dry ripe fruits), broccoli (dishes), calamondin (habit & leaves, use), Cape gooseberry (habit, leaves, cut fruits), capsicum pepper (dish), caraway (habit-vegetative), carrot (young seedling, 2 cvs as retailed, jar of cooked carrots, carrot juice), climbing wattle (harvesting, harvested product, use), cornsalad (use as garnish), cucumber (seed, seedling, grown as creeper, grown as climber, female flower, fruit development, fruit on creeper, fruit on climber, fruit in cross section, fruits of cv. Noa, gherkins as retailed, ripe fruit as retailed, pickled fruit), durian (monument), East Indian arrowroot (young fruit in LS), fingerroot (rhizomes with tuberous roots as retailed), fragrant pandan (habit, stem, aerial root, young shoots, retailed product), gliricidia (nursery), grapefruit (use), greater galangal (inflorescence, flower, rhizomes in supermarket), hevea rubber (young plantation, flowers, tapped trees, product), husk tomato (habit, leaf, inflorescence, flower, fruits as retailed), Inca peanut (product), Italian ryegrass (vegetative habit, generative habit, inflorescence close-ups, flowering spikelets), jackfruit (transport ban notice), jambolan (leaves, fruits), kaffir lime (young stems, trunk, leaves as wholesaled, fruits as retailed), kauri (habit, trunk, terminal bud, flush, leaves in situ), kenaf (young seedling, flower), lesser galangal (habit), lima bean (dish), lotus (use of raw seeds), Manila hemp (young still-rolled leaf), oat (grains), okra (seeds, young seedlings, young plants, leaves ex situ, flower buds, old fruits in situ, dish, fruits for sale, cutting and drying fruit slices, meal, freeze dried fruits, pickled fruits), onion (habit vegetative, infructescence (closed fruits, open fruits, close up)), pak choi (young plant, flowering plant), parsley (curly-leaf leaf tip, young infructescence), pea (semi-leafless stand), perennial ryegrass (inflorescence close-ups), petai (leaves in situ), pomegranate (habit, orchard, trunk, fruits for sale in USA), pumpkins & squashes of Cucurbita maxima (fruits of cv. Crown), radishes (3 cvs of garden radish as harvested), rapeseed (B.napus) (ripe fruits in situ), redcurrant (hedgerow, leaves, fruit), roselle - fibre type (fibres), sala (fruits, seeds), sawtooth coriander (leaves), sea beet (seedlings, vegetative habit, leaf in situ, comparison with garden beet), siratro (leaf, stem, inflorescences, flower details), timothy (mixed cropping, inflorescence), triticale (field, habit&spike comparison with rye and wheat), West Indian lemongrass (habit, harvested & marketed product), zucchini (young seedlings, use) ;
removed 0 ([crop] ([subject])) ;
upgraded/replaced 8 (buckwheat (inflorescence/infructescence), East Indian arrowroot (habit), greater galangal (rhizomes), husk tomato (fruits - whole, TS, LS), okra (habit - flowering, flower in situ, field), water apple (fruits)).
- 70 taxa (= +2 (giant cr pe-myrtle a.k.a. pride of India (Lagerstroemia speciosa), yellow trumpetbush a.k.a. yellow bells (Tecoma stans)).
- 287 photos (= +24 since latest version):
added 24 (cannon ball tree (habit, leaves, trunk detail, shed flowers, young fruits, full-grown fruits), desert rose (fruit), giant cr pe myrtle (inflorescence, flower close up), oleander (inflorescences in bud and of various colours, fruits), rose of China (white flower, orange flowers, double-petaled flowers, flower in sideview, staminal column), yellow trumpetbush (habit-flowering, inflorescences, infructescence) ;
removed 0 ([plant name] ([subject])) ;
upgraded/replaced 0 ([plant name] ([subject])).
Version 2.44 (17may2022)
- 6383 graphics (= +182 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
TropCrop > All capsicum pepper varieties (hot and sweet) taxonomically lumped under Capsicum annuum s.l. .
TropCrop > Species name for pecan nut updated from Carya illinoensis to the more widely accepted Carya illinoinensis.
TropCrop > Species name for Hausa potato updated from Plectranthus rotundifolius to Coleus rotundifolius.
TropCrop > Species name for kaffir potato updated from Plectranthus esculentus to Coleus esculentus.
TropCrop > Species name for tropical kudzu updated from Pueraria phaseoloides to Neustanthus phaseoloides.
TropCrop > Scientific names for common wheat and durum wheat changed from Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum to Triticum aestivum Aestivum Group and Triticum turgidum Durum Group, respectively.
CropTutor > Vegies > Yard-long bean > df: missing picture of pigeon pea leaf restored.
TC-Pedia > Ipecac: Species name updated from Psychotria ipecacuanha to Carapichea ipecacuanha.
TC-Pedia > Kola nut > Fruit: fruit type corrected from "schizocarp with up to 7 follicles" to "aggregate fruit of up to 7 follicles".
TC-Pedia > Oil palm > photo of hermaphrodite inflorescence: in caption "... fruits and female spikes ..." , "female" corrected to "male".
CropPix > Calamondin a.k.a. golden lime and calamansi : scientific name updated from x Citrofortunella microcarpa to Citrus x microcarpa.
CropPix > Hop: family name corrected from Canabaceae to Cannabaceae.
CropPix > Lotus: "staminae" corrected to "stamens"; "receptacle and fruits" corrected to "aggregate fruit and fruitlets".
* Screen texts completed: 1801 (= +3 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1801 = 52).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Auxiliary Plants: Crotalaria/st: +text, +photo, ../lf: text adapted, ../fr: text adapted, +photo, ../rt: +text, +photo.
- Fibre Plants: Jute/gd: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Coconut/st: photo upgraded ; Oil palm: +background graphic.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/it,gr,ct,cv,hb,fl,fr,rc1: text adapted ; Coriander/hb: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Barley/pc: text adapted, ../fl: text adapted, + 2photos, ../fs: text adapted ; Cassava/ct: photo upgraded, +photo, ../rt: text adapted ; Potato/ct: photo upgraded, ../fl: text adapted, +photo, ../gd: photo upgraded ; Sago palm/ct: photo upgraded ; Sweet potato/us: +photo ; Wheat/it: text adapted, -photo, ../cv: text adapted, ../yl: +photo, ../hb: drawing upgraded, ../fl: text adapted, ../fs: text adapted, photo replaced, ../st: +photo.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/us: photo upgraded.
- Vegetables: Capsicum pepper/it,od,gr,rc1: text adapted ; Jute/us: +photo, text adapted, ../pc: text adapted, +photos, ../fl: photo upgraded, ../gd: +text, +photo ; Kangkong/gr: text adapted, ../ct: photo upgraded, ../fl: photo upgraded ; Yard-long bean/us: +photo.
- 585 photos (= +0 since previous version):
upgraded/replaced 3 (coconut (stem), macadamia (habit), tossa jute (flower)).
Entry 'Salak palm' changed into 'Salak' and 'Coconut palm' into 'Coconut' (in accordance with, e.g., entry 'Cashew', not 'Cashew tree', and because 'salak' and 'coconut' as such are not ambiguous or confusing or have another meaning, as 'Oil' instead of 'Oil palm' would be, or 'Date' instead of 'Date palm'.).
Entrries 'Jute (tossa)' and 'Jute (white)' changed into 'Tossa jute' and 'White jute', respectively.
- 4056 pictures (= +68 since previous version):
added 68 (barley (spikelet triads, opened floret), bilimbi (habit, fruits in situ, inflorescence), Brussels sprouts (young axillary buds, field, dish), cassava (newly planted field, sprouting stem cuttings, hillside cultivation tuber transport by lorry, tubers on market, drying cut tubers, large-scale cutting&drying facility), cassia (fruits of Indonesian cassia), cherimoya (trunk detail, fruits for sale), cinnamon (polybag nurseries, plantation, cut bark), coriander (habit - flowering), cowpea (habits, flower, ripe pods in situ, harvesting, hay, decorticated seeds), crotalaria (seeds of slender-leaf rattlepod, leaf of West Indian and slender-lef rattlepod), guava (very young fruits), hazelnut (infructescence with young fruits), kaki (young fruit, dried fruit), kangkong (rows of young seedlings), pepper (kernels of tsiperifery a.k.a. wild Madagascan pepper), potato (flower seen from above, the side and below), ridged gourd (fruits of smooth loofah (Luffa aegyptiaca) for comparison), sisal (rope and twine vendor), strawberry (plantlet, cultivation methods, flower from below, developing fruit), sunn hemp (seeds, young seedlings, stem detail, root with nodules), sweet potato (use as fodder), tamarind (fruits in situ, making juice, drink), tossa jute (seeds, stripping off and drying leaves, young fruit, shoots as retailed), wheat (grains, stem LS), yard-long bean (dish), white jute (young seedlings).
upgraded/replaced 27 (bilimbi (leaves, fruits ex situ), capsicum pepper - sweet (young seedlings), cassava (drawing of root system, sole cropping, mixed cropping with plantain), clove (plantation), coconut (trunk detail), hazelnut (green-matue fruits in situ), kaki (ripe fruit in situ and ex situ), kangkong (field in Indonesia, flower, seeds), macadamia (plantation), pomegranate (grown as hedge), potato (harvesting), sago palm (manual pith harvesting), strawberry (flower-topview, fruiting plants, harvesting, showing harvest), sugar beet (products), sunn hemp (seeds), tamarind (inflorescence/infructescens), tossa jute (flower, shoots as retailed)).
- 20 video clips (= +0 since previous version).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 45 (=+2 since previous version (kangkong, yard-long bean (from PROTA 2 - Vegetables). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0) since previous version.
CROPPIX global
- Pictures on calamondin a.k.a. golden lime (Citrus x microcarpa) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'calamansi'.
- Pictures on crotalaria (Crotalaria spp.) now also accessible via its alternative common names 'rattlepod' and 'rattlebox'.
- Pictures on golden shower (Cassia fistula) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'pudding-pipe tree'.
- Pictures on job's tears (Coix lacryma-jobi) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'adlay'.
- Pictures on kaki (Diospyros kaki) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'oriental persimmon'.
- Pictures on kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'water morning glory'.
- Pictures on litchi (Litchi chinensis) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'lychee'.
- Pictures on Padang cassia (Cinnamomum burmanni) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'Indonesian cassia'; 'Indonesian cassia' is now main entry.
- Pictures on salak (Salacca zalacca) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'snake fruit'.
- Pictures on sawtooth coriander (Eryngium foetidum) now also accessible via its alternative common names 'Mexicam coriander' and 'culantro'.
- 456 crops (= +15 (apple-ring acacia a.k.a. faidherbia (Faidherbia albida), black cumin (Nigella sativa), chives (Allium schoenoprasum), crimson clover a.k.a. Italian clover (Trifolium incarnatum), kaffir lime = id.jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix), Polish wheat (Triticum turgidum Polonicum Group), rice paddy herb (Limnophila aromatica), rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus), sala a.k.a. Thai snake fruit a.k.a. red snake fruit (Salacca wallichiana), slender-leaf rattlepod (Crotalaria ochroleuca), tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), tonka bean a.k.a. cumaru (Dipteryx odorata), tsiperifery a.k.a. wild Madagascan pepper (Piper borbonense), wheat separated into common wheat a.k.a. bread wheat (Triticum aestivum Aestivum Group) and durum wheat a.k.a. macaroni wheat (Triticum turgidum Durum Group), yac n (Smallanthus sonchifolius))).
- 2527 photos (= +179 since previous version):
added 180 (apple-ring acacia (fruits), arabica coffee (roasted seeds, use, product), barley (st LS, spikelet triads, grains, groats), bilimbi (seeds, habit, fruits in situ, inflorescence), black cumin (flower, young fruit), bergamot orange (liqueur), Brussels sprouts (field, young axillary buds, dish), calamondin (product (juice), capsicum pepper (young seedlings), cassava (newly planted field, sprouting cuttings, hillside cultivation, fruits, tuber transport per truck, drying cut tubers, large-scale cutting&drying plant, leaves for sale, chips), cherimoya (trunk detail, fruits for sale), chives (habit, inflorescence), cinnamon (polybag nurseries, plantation, cut bark, retailed product), club wheat (dry spikes in situ), common wheat (gains, green-mature field, bending a spike, harvested grains, bread), cowpea (habits, flower, ripe pods in situ, harvesting, hay, decorticated seeds), coriander (habit - flowering), crimson clover (habit-flowering, leaves ex situ, leaf details), durum wheat (grians, harvestable field, products), European red raspberry (birthday cake), golden shower (habit, leaves, trunk, inflorescence, flower, fruits in situ, harvesting fruits), guava (bark detail, very young fruits), hazelnut (orchard, leaves, inflorescences, very young fruits, young fruits, green-mature fruits, fruits as retailed, products), Inca peanut (inflorescence, flowers, ripe fruit), Indonesian cassia (fruits), job's tears (fruit, leaf detail), kaffir lime (fruits in situ, leaves in situ, backlighted leaf) ,kaki (habit, young and ripe fruit, dried fruit), kangkong (seeds, rows of young seedlings, stem detail, rooting node, dish), lotus (fruits for sale, use of seeds), noni tree (young and mature fruits), oil palm (aerial view of plantation, aerial view of palm oil mill), pea eggplant (package of seeds, shrub habit, stem detail, inflorescence, flowers, infructescence, fruits as marketed), Polish wheat (infructescence, infructescence close up), potato (stem detail, 3 apects of flower, harvesting, use), rice paddy herb (young shoots), rosemary (habit, flowers, use), sago palm (manual pith harvesting), sala (fruits as sold in supermarket), sisal (plantation, transport, decortication, semi-finished product, products), slender-leaf rattlepod (seeds, leaves ex situ), sponge gourd (male flower, immature fruits for sale), strawberry (plantlet, cultivation methods, habit, leaves, flower, developing fruit, harvesting, tarts, frozen fruit slices), sunn hemp (seeds, young seedlings, stem detail, root with nodules), sweet potato (use as fodder), tamarind (fruits in situ, making juice, drink), tea tree (habit, inflorescence, bark, product), tonka bean (seeds), tossa jute (seeds, seedlings, stripping off and drying leaves, shoots as retailed, package of deep-frozen leaves), tsiperifery (dried fruits), yac n (habit, leaf, shoot tip), yard-long bean (seeds, young seedlings, leaf, young fruits in situ, dish), white jute (young seedlings) ;
removed 1 (cassava (shifting cultivation)) ;
upgraded/replaced 12 (bilimbi (leaves), clove (plantation), coconut (trunk detail), cassava (tubers on market), kangkong (field in Indonesia, flower), macadamia (plantation), noni tree (inflorescence), sponge gourd (sponges for sale in Uganda), strawberry (fruiting plants, showing harvest)).
- Pictures on frangipani (Plumeria spp.) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'plumeria'.
- 68 taxa (= +4 (Christ thorn a.k.a. crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii), desert rose a.k.a. Sabi star (Adenium obesum), golden shower a.k.a. pudding-pipe tree (Cassia fistula), ixora a.k.a. jungle geranium or fayalobi (Ixora coccinea))).
- 263 photos (= +38 since previous version):
added 39 (Christ thorn (nursery, habit, leaves, stems, inflorescence buds, inflorescences, cyathia, wasp feeding on nectar), desert rose (habit in natural habitat, habit potted, inflorescence, flower), frangipani (habit of two species, leaves, inflorescence and leaves of fiddle-leaf frangipani (Plumeria pudica)), golden shower (habit, leaves, trunk, inflorescence, flower, fruits in situ, fruit ex situ whole and in LS and TS), ixora (habit, stem part with leaves ex situ, inflorescence with small buds, inflorescence with red extended buds, inflorescence with red open flowers, inflorescence seen from below, orange inflorescence)) ;
removed 1 (frangipani (pink inflorescence (redundant))) ;
upgraded/replaced 1 (frangipani (inflorescence with yellow flowers))).
Version 2.43 (31may2021)
NEW: The opening screen of TropCrop now has a CropPix global button for one-click access to this module's photographic overview of any crop featuring in TropCrop.
- 6201 graphics (= +254 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
TropCrop: all cultigens of Beta vulgaris now relegated to their proper subspecies Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris.
TC-Pedia > all Brassicaceae > flower: compartments per ovary corrected from 1 to 2.
TC-Pedia > Tobacco > Fruit > Seed dimensions: corrected from cm to mm.
CropPix > Lavender: genus name Lavendula corrected to Lavandula, and ... > Guaran : genus name Paulinia corrected to Paullinia [thank you, Casper Pillen].
CropPix > Drumstick tree a.k.a. Moringa: in description of photo of leaf, bipinnate corrected to tripinnate.
CropPix > Slide Show > Tung: crop name was not shown; .. > Maize: some captions were not shown.
Glossary: missing lemma "puberulent" added; in lemma "papilionaceous flower" Papilionaceae family replaced by Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae.
* The Crops Menu in Fibre Plants now has a Flax button that refers/links directly to the Linseed module in Oil Plants.
* Screen texts completed: 1798 (= +0 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1798 = 55).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Auxiliary Plants: Calopo/us: photo upgraded (now also functions as general background pic), .../hb,fl: text adapted ; Flemingia/fl,fs: text adapted, ../hb: photo replaced, ../fl,fs: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Avocado/us: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Linseed/ct: text adapted, +photo, ../cv: +photo, ../lf: drawing replaced by photo, ../fl: +photos ; Soya bean/lf: text adapted, ../gd: text and features adapted.
- Protein Plants: Mung bean/pc: +photo ; Soya bean/lf: text adapted, ../gd: text and features adapted.
- Spices: Mustard/fl: +photo, photo upgraded ; Pepper/us: text adapted, ../pc: +photo ; Vanilla/us,ct,yl,fs: photo upgraded.
- Starch Plants: Rice/it: text adapted, ../cv: photo upgraded.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/fl: +photo
- 585 photos (= +5 since previous version):
added 5 (flemingia (inflorescence, flowers, infructescence), ramie (habit), tobacco - nicotine (habit, fruit)) ; removed 1 (rice (fruits) ; upgraded/replaced 7 (calopo (infructescence & foliage, infructescence close up), carrot (habit, inflorescence), pepper (kernels), ramie (leaves), rice (fruits)).
NEW: lemma on white mustard
- 3988 pictures (= +97 since previous version):
added 99 (allspice (leaves, twig, trunk), asparagus (seeds, use), black mustard (flowers with hoverfly), cluster bean (young pods as retailed), common cabbage (head of red cabbage in LS), cush-cush yam (stem and petyiole wings, waxed tubers retail), elephant grass (inflorescence details), faba bean (purple inflorescence, flower details, small-seeded fruit) , fenugreek (product), flemingia (habit, habit close up, leaves ex situ, inflorescence, flowers, infructescence, fruits), kohlrabi (young seedling, young plant), lentil (retailed products), linseed (habit fibre & oil seed cultivar, leaves, blue flower, white flower, harvesting), mandarin (immature fruits, retailed fruits, jam, joke), mat (plantation, habit, flush, infructescence, fruit, seed), nicotine tobacco (seeds, vegetative habit, flowering habit, young inflorescence close up, fruits), opium poppy (young seedlings, seeds from fruit), pepper (b&w kernels, green kernels in brine, dried fruits of the Brazilian pepper tree), ramie (habit, leaves ex situ, young stem, cut older stem, field), ridged gourd (seedling, leaves (in and ex situ), soya bean (green-mature and ripe fruits and seeds), strawberry (whole and cit fruit, fruit close-up), sugar beet (seed, young seedling, tuber compared to fodder beet, flowers), vetiver grass (leaf details, stem detail, base of clump, emerging leaf), white mustard (seedling, inflorescence, flowers, infructescence, seeds, botanical drawings, field), yam bean (habit, leaf, inflorescence, fruit, tubers as retailed).
removed 2 (rice (grains (redundant))).
upgraded/replaced 22 (allspice (dried fruits), black mustard (inflorescences), calopo (foliage, infructescence, as intercrop in sisal), carrot (habit, inflorescence), fenugreek (seeds), flemingia (stand), kale (retail of collard-type leaves), pearl millet (harvesting), pepper (plantation, plantation under construction), ramie (leaves in situ, shirt), rice (grains in husk), vanilla (habit, cultivation, product, post-harvest)).
- 20 video clips (= +0 since previous version ([crop] ([subject]))).
- Major data additions: [crop].
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 43 (added 0 ([crop]). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0 ([crop]).
CROPPIX global
NEW: in Manual mode, the background colour of the Picture List of a crop now indicates whether this crop features in CropPix only (white background), or also in TC-Pedia (light green background), or also in TC-Pedia and in CropTutor (light pink background). When applicable, buttons become live to give direct access to TC-Pedia and the dedicated module on this crop in CropTutor.
- Pictures on allspice (Pimenta dioica) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'pimento'.
- Pictures on lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'butter bean'.
- Pictures on winged bean (Psophocarpus gonolobus) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'square bean'.
- Pictures on Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris cvs) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'silver leaf'.
- Pictures on linseed (Linum usitatissimum) now also accessible via its alternative-use common name 'flax'.
- Pictures on yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) now also accessible via its alternative common name 'j cama'.
- 441 crops (= +35 (absinthe (Artemisia absinthium), aramina a.k.a. Congo jute (Urena lobata), blackberry, black locust a.k.a. false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia), black mustard, black oat a.k.a. bristle oat (Avena strigosa), Brazilian pepper tree (Schinus terebinthifolia), calopo, celeriac (Apium graveolens Rapaceum Group), cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus), cornsalad a.k.a. lamb's lettuce (Valerianella locusta), endive (Cichorium endivia), European plum (Prunus domestica), European red raspberry (Rubus idaeus), fodder beet, garden beet, Guinea grass, hop, kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum), kohlrabi, korarima a.k.a. Ethiopian cardamom (Aframomum corrorima), mastic (Pistacia lentisticus), mat a.k.a. Paraguay tea (Ilex paraguariensis), Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia), monkfruit (Siraitia grosvenorii), parsley, pumpkins & squashes (Cucurbita argyrosperma cvs, C. maxima cvs, C. pepo cvs), radicchio (Cichorium intybus Radicchio Group), rapeseed (B.napus) a.k.a. oilseed rape a.k.a. colza (Brassica napus Colza Group), red cabbage, Sabi grass (Urochloa mosambicensis), stalk celery (Apium graveolens Dulce Group), yellow mombin (Spondias mombin)).
- 2348 photos (= +314 since previous version):
added 327 (absinthe (habit, shoot tip, leaves), aerial yam (dish), allspice (leaves, twig, trunk), apricot (dried fruits, jam), aramina (fruits & seeds, fibre), Asian rice (grains in husk, flowering panicle), asparagus (seeds, use), barley (leaf detail, harvesting), bitter tomato (field, habit, fruit in situ, fruits for sale, leaves for sale), blackberry (leaf, inflorescence, infructescence, fruits as retailed), black locust (seeds, leaf, leaf detail, trunk, inflorescence, infructescence), black mustard (inflorescences, flowers with hoverfly, fruits in situ), black oat (field, leaf details, panicle), bottle gourd (habit, fruits in situ, Brazilian pepper tree (dried fruits), bulb fennel (cultivation, habit), calopo (seeds, infructescence, as intercrop in sisal), celeriac (habit, leaf, leaf detail, as retailed in Germany and France), cloudberry (habit, fruit in situ, picked fruit, fruits for sale, product), cluster bean (young pods as retailed), cornsalad (harvested and marketed product, leaves), cowpea (inflorescence, dish), cush-cush yam (stem and petyiole wings, waxed tubers as retailed), elephant grass (inflorescence details), endive (seeds, habit, rosette as retailed), European plum (fruits for sale, tart), European red raspberry (plantation, leaves, flower, fruit, harvested product, product), faba bean (field, stem detail, purple inflorescence, flower details, small-seede pods), fenugreek (seedlings, product), flemingia (seeds, stand, habit, inflorescence, infructescence, fruits), fodder beet (vegetative habit, tuber compared to sugar beet), fonio (field, infructescence, threshing, grains, processed grains close-up, dish), garden beet (field, bolter, habit, harvested product, gold beet, cut beet, bieterbal), grevillea (nursery, seedling, hedgerow, twig), groundnut (products), Guinea grass (leafy shoot), hop (plantation, female inflorescences, product), Jerusalem artichoke (shoot tip, leaves, stem detail), kale (field, harvesting curly kale, various leaf types as retailed, flowering habit, inflorescence detail), kembayau (fruits for sale), kikuyu grass (habit), kohlrabi (young seedling, young plant, stem tubers, leaves, varieties), korarima (inflorescences, leaves), lentil (retailed products), lettuce (fruits, seedlings, young plants, heads, inflorescence, infructescence), licorice (products), lima bean (infructescence, products), lime (juice), linseed / flax (seedlings, habit fibre cv & oil seed cv, leaf, blue flower, white flower, maturing field, harvesting), lucerne (seeds, infructescence), mabolo (fruis in situ, fruits for sale)mandarin (immature fruits, retailed fruits, jam), marang (fruits, fruitlets, seeds), mastic (habit, leaf, fruit), mat (plantation, habit, leaf, flush, infructescence, fruit, seed, use), Mexican sunflower (inflorescences, hedge), mung bean (seeds), neem (seeds, products), nicotine tobacco (seeds, young seedling, habit-vegetative, habit-flowering, young inflorescence, fruits in situ), opium poppy (young seedlings, seeds from fruit), palisade grass (habit-flowering), monkfruit (leaves, tendril), parsley (habit, leaf, inflorescence, thickened roots), peach (leaves, tart), pearl millet (harvesting), pepper (young plant, leaf, products), pigeon pea (leaves, habit-fruiting), pineapple (products), pinto peanut (seeds, habit of young plant), potato (chips), pumpkins & squashes (leaf and flower of C. maxima cv., fruits of various species and cvs), radicchio (habit, heads for sale), radishes (black winter radish for sale), ramie (field, habit, leaves ex situ, young stem, cut older stem, shirt), rapeseed(B.napus) (seeds, leaves, flowering field, infructescence, products), red cabbage (young seedling, young plant, heading plant, head in LS), Rhodes grass (habit-vegetative), rhubarb (habit, leaf bud, tart), ridged gourd (seedling, leaves), ruzi grass (seeds, habit-flowering, inflorescence, inflorescnce details), Sabi grass (habit, foliage, inflorescence, spikelets), soya bean (green-mature fruits, ripe fruits, oil, drink), spinach (young seedlings), spinach beet (habit), stalk celery (harvesting, packed, as retailed), strawberry (whole and cut fruits, fruit close-up), sugar beet (seed, young seedling, tuber compared to fodder beet, flowers), tamarind (seeds, seedling), taro (cooked corm slices), turnip (habit vegetative), vanilla (habit (flowering, detail), vetiver grass (leaf details, stem detail, base of clump, emerging leaf), watermelon (seedling, cultivation), white lupin (infructescence, fruit with seeds), white mustard (seeds, field, inflorescence, whole and dissected flower), winged bean (seeds, young seedling, root tubers in situ, young pods as retailed), yam bean (habit, leaf, fruit, tubers as retailed), yellow mombin (infructescence, fruit, trunk, retail)) ;
removed 13 (Asian rice (redundant pics), oil palm (4 redundant pics), pineapple (small inflorescence, fruits for sale)) ;
upgraded/replaced 11 (carrot (habit, inflorescence), fenugreek (seeds), flemingia (leaf), pepper (plantation, plantation under construction), rami (leaves in situ), vanilla (cultivation, post-harvest, product), white mustard (young infructescence), wolfberry (habit), yam bean (inflorescence)).
- 64 taxa (= +1 (Mexican sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia))).
- 225 photos (= +10 since previous version):
added 10 (lantana (fruits), Mexican sunflower (inflorescences), peacock flower (dissected flower), red-hot poker (Kniphofia rooperi habit, inflorescences, flowers), spider lily (habit, infloresence, flower) ;
removed 0 ([taxon] ([subject])) ;
upgraded/replaced 1 (red-hot poker (hedge in Guatemala)).
Version 2.42 (02jun2020)
- 5948 graphics (= +129 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
TC-Pedia > Brussels sprouts > Uses: missing graphics file error corrected.
CropTutor > Spices > Nutmeg > Intro: typo "Portuguse" corrected to "Portuguese".
Screen texts completed: 1798 (= +0 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1798 = 55).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/cv: +photo, .../lf: +photo, text adapted re simple vs. unifoliolate, .../fs: +photos & text adapted, .../gd: text adapted.
- Oil Plants: Coconut palm/it: photo upgraded, .../hb: photo upgraded, .../fl: text and photo features adapted, .../st: text adapted ; Olive/us: text adapted, .../pt: +photos, .../pc: +photos.
- Spices: Ginger/pc: +photo & photo replaced, .../lf: +photo, .../fl: +photo & photo replaced.
- Starch Plants: Maize/hb,lf: photo replaced, .../fl: text adapted, .../gd: photo featured ; Potato/rt: +featured photo, text adapted ; Sorghum/ct: +photo.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/rt: +drawing.
- 580 photos (= +1 since previous version (ginger (flower close up)) ; upgraded/replaced 2 (ginger (inflorescence), maize (female inflorescence)).
- 3891 pictures (= +30 since previous version):
added 30 (avocado (seedling, fruits, use, product), cauliflower (head in LS), coconut (harvesting, green-mature fruits), ginger (inflorescence, flower, rhizomes as retailed, processed products), grapefruit (leaves, pink-fleshed fruit, pink juice), maize (flowering plot, silk close up), olive (extra virgin oil), onion (monument), pomegranate (vinegar), potato (base uprooted plant), sorghum (seed, sowing), waternut (tuber in TS and LS, retail), zucchini (retail of 2 varieties)).
upgraded/replaced 6 (coconut (bearing dwarf cv., young fruit in LS), maize (habit, silk), waternut (tubers, canned drink)).
- 20 video clips (= +0 since previous version ([crop] ([subject]))).
- Major data additions: [crop].
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 43 (added 0 ([crop]). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0 ([crop]).
CROPPIX global
- The CropPix module in TropCrop has been temporarily replaced by the CropPix global module from the GlobCrop programme (under construction), the big brother of TropCrop on crops grown anywhere in the world. With the future release of GlobCrop, a CropPix module excluding the strictly temperate crops will be extracted again from CropPix-global for use in TropCrop.
- The sequence in which the photos are listed per crop was, insofar possible and applicable, rearranged according to a timeline from seed to product and/or use ( from field to fork ).
- All the photos in Manual mode now also appear in Slide Show mode. (Previously, only a selection of the slides available in CropPix were shown in the slideshow.)
- Pictures on oca (Oxalis tuberosa) now also accessible through its alternative common name 'New Zealand yam'.
- 406 crops (= +14 (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, European chestnut (Castanea sativa), European pear, Italian ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, radishes, red clover, rhubarb, rye, spinach, sugar beet, trifoliate orange, white clover)).
- 2034 photos (= +174 since previous version):
added 177 (asparagus (planting sets, field with ridges, rhizome regrowth after harvest), avocado (seedling, wedge graft, orchard, fruits, use, product), broccoli (LS of head, inflorescence, marketed products), Brussels sprouts (leaf with axillary bud, field, harvested product, canned sprouts), bulb fennel (baby bulbs, dish), butterfly pea (fruits, seeds), cacao (chocolates), capsicum pepper (seeds, greenhouse cultivation, retail, products), cauliflower (seed, seedling, head in LS, varieties, product, dish), coconut (harvesting fruits, fruits ex situ, husks for fuel), custard apple (nursery), European chestnut (leaves, trunk detail, fruits, products), European pear (leaves, habit, fruits), ginger (inflorescence, flower, rhizomes as retailed, home-made ginger ale, various processed products), grape (bud-graft nursery), grapefruit (pink-fleshed fruit, juice from pink-fleshed fruit), Italian ryegrass (seeds), kiwi (uses), laurel (dried leaves as retailed), leaf celery (fruits, cultivation methods, product), maize (young seedlings, plot, habit, silk close up, products), olive (table olives, oil), perennial ryegrass (seeds), pomegranate (vinegar), potato (leaves, uprooted plant), quince (fruiting trees, young fruit, product (paste)), quinoa (seeds, seedlings, packages of seed, boiled seeds), radishes (seed, oil radish habit, oil radish flower, oil radish infructescence, garden radishes, winter radish, garden radish use), red clover (seeds, habit (uprooted), comparison with white clover, shoot, inflorescence), rhubarb (petiole use, product (jam)), rye (habit, spike, fruit, bread), sago palm (use (papeda)), sorghum (seed, sowing, seedling, flowering, aerial roots, product (t )), spinach (habit, leaves), sugar beet ('seeds', young plants, field, leaves, irrigation, inflorescence, harvested beets, processing, products), sugar palm (seedling), sweet cherry (leaves, fruits in situ, maraschino cherries, cultural role(symbol)), tobacco (cigar), trifoliate orange (leaf), turnip (tubers, pickles), waternut (tubers (whole and cut), retail), white clover (seeds, inflorescence, flower), zucchini (habit, inferior ovary, retail of 2 varieties) ;
removed 3 (cardamom (habit), clove (drying(Bali)), grain amaranth (field)) ;
upgraded/replaced 8 (buckwheat (flowering field), coconut (bearing dwarf cv., young fruit in LS), grapefruit (leaves), leaf celery (habit, cultivation on raised bed), maize (silk), waternut (canned drink)).
All the photos in Manual mode now also appear in Slide Show mode. (Previously, only a selection of the slides available in TropicOrn were shown in the slideshow.)
- 63 taxa (= +2 (common sugerbush (Protea repens), king sugarbush (Protea cynaroides))).
- 215 photos (= +14 since previous version):
added 14 (butterfly pea (fruits, seeds), common sugerbush (flower (bud, open)), flamboyant (leaf), frangipani (on cemetery), golden trumpet (habit), jacaranda (leaf), king sugarbush (habit, flower (bud, open)), royal palm (trees lining road)) ;
removed 0 ([taxon] ([subject])) ;
upgraded/replaced 1 (king sugarbush (flower side-view)).
Version 2.41 (18jul2019)
- 5819 graphics (= +87 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
CropPix: entry Mabolo erroneously appeared twice in the CropList.
CropPix > Orange: numbering corrected; photo of fruits at juicing plant was missing from cycle.
CropPix > Kersting's groundnut: alternative name 'groundnut bean' corrected to 'ground bean'; in caption of photo of leaf detail 'stipules and stipels' corrected to just 'stipels'.
CropPix: entry 'biriba (Rollinia mucosa)' updated to 'birib (Annona mucosa)'.
CropPix: entry 'cassie (Acacia farnesiana)' updated to 'cassie (Vachellia farnesiana)'.
CropPix: entry 'gum arabic (Acacia senegal)' updated to 'gum arabic (Senegalia senegal)'.
Throughout TropCrop: Fabaceae subfamilies updated conform Legume Phylogeny Working Group 2017.
TC-Pedia: entry 'Neem tree' changed to 'Neem'.
Screen texts completed: 1798 (= +0 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1798 = 55).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Oil Plants: Sunflower/yl,fs: text adapted.
- Protein Plants: Cowpea/ct: +photo, .../lf: text adapted.
- Spices: Pepper/fs: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Pearl millet/pc: +photos.
- Vegetables: Tomato/us: photo upgraded.
- 579 photos (= +1 since previous version (pepper (fruit)) ; upgraded/replaced 0).
- 3861 pictures (= +28 since previous version:
added 28 (cashew (shelling tool), cowpea (seeds, young seedlings, pod in 3 stages of maturity), cucumber (manual irrigation), elephant grass (habit, stand, emerging inflorescence), feijoa (juice), mangosteen (seedlings (young, older, grafted), fruit (almost ripe, harvested, marketed, whole, cut), seed), mung bean (noodles), onion (onion loader), opium poppy (dry fruit cut open), pearl millet (decorticating grains), pepper (spike with ripe fruit), strawberry (leaves, leaf details), sunflower (seedling, young plants, product).
removed 0.
upgraded/replaced 5 (bottle gourd (calabash tree (for comparison)), cowpea (seeds)), mangosteen (fruit (very young, ripe on the market), tomato (processed products).
- 20 video clips (= +0 since previous version).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 43 (added 3 (common bean, groundnut, oil palm). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0).
The plant family (conform APG IV) and the main use of each crop have been added at the end of each crop's picture list.
- 392 crops (= +4 (Jerusalem artichoke = topinambur, Kersting's groundnut (Macrotyloma geocarpum), sicklebush (Dichrostachy cinerea), yellow nutsedge a.k.a. tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus)).
- Manual mode (all photos): 1860 photos (= +107 since previous version:
added 107 (African locust bean (habit, inflorescence, infructescence, fruit, seeds, retail), apple (orchard, leaf, fruit, cultivation, hail damage, marketing, use, products), baobab (fruits for sale), calabash tree (flower (bud, wilted, details), older stem), cashew (seedlings, nursery, orchard, fruits with 'apple', fruits as harvested, rural processing, shelling tool, kernel as wholesaled), cowpea (seeds, young seedlings, pod in 3 stages of maturity), elephant grass (habit, stand, emerging inflorescence, chopping leaves, feeding calf), feijoa (juice), fig (sprouting buds), Jerusalem artichoke (habit and inflorescence compared to sunflower, tubers as retailed), kasai (leaves), Kersting's groundnut (seeds, habit, leaf, leaf detail, flowers), kumquat (marmalade), lablab (seedling), mangosteen (seedlings (young, older, grafted), fruit (very young, almost ripe, harvested, marketed, whole, cut), seed), mung bean (products), oat (seedlings, panicle, spikelets), onion (seeds, flowering plants, use), opium poppy (dry capsule cut open), pearl millet (decorticating grains), pepper (red fruits on spike), sicklebush (inflorescences), sunflower (seedling, young plants, product, use), tomato (seeds, seedlings, vegetative plant, variety, uses), West African grape tree (seeds, fruits for retail), yellow nutsedge (habit, cultivation, tubers, retailed tubers)) ;
removed 0 ;
upgraded/replaced 3 (calabash tree (fruits on the tree), cashew (young fruits in-situ)).
- Slideshow (selected photos): 1384 photos (= +31 since previous version):
added 31 (African locust bean (habit, inflorescence, infructescence, fruit, seeds, retail), apple (hail-damaged fruit), baobab (fruits for sale), calabash tree (fruit on the tree, flower corolla), cashew (young fruits in-situ, fruits with 'apple', fruits as harvested), fig (sprouting buds), kasai (leaves), Kersting's groundnut (leaf detail, flowers), mangosteen (fruit (very young, harvested, on market, vended, whole & cut), seeds), oat (spikelets), opium poppy (dry capsule cut open), pearl millet (decorticating grains), pepper (ripe spike), sunflower (use), West African grape tree (fruits for retail), yellow nutsedge (retailed product)) ;
removed 0 ;
upgraded/replaced 0.
- 61 taxa (= +1 (sicklebush (Dichrostachy cinerea))).
- Manual mode (all photos): 201 photos (= +4 since previous version):
added 4 (frangipani (flowers, flower bud, branches), sicklebush (inflorescences)) ;
removed 0 ;
upgraded/replaced 0.
- Slideshow (selected photos): 151 photos (= +4 since previous version (see Manual mode)).
Version 2.40 (17jul2018)
- 5732 graphics (= +124 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
yellow-fleshed kiwi (golden kiwi) attributed to separate species (Actinidia chinensis); A. chinensis is no longer considered a synonym of Actinidia deliciosa, the green kiwi.
Species name for vetiver grass updated from Vetiveria zizanioides to Chrysopogon zizanioides.
Scientific name for the crop artichoke updated from Cynara scolymus to Cynara cardunculus Scolymus Group.
CropPix > West African tree grape: missing caption in browse mode added.
CropPix: entry Celery changed into Leaf celery.
CropPix > SlideShow: missing crop name added to slides on tomato.
TropicOrn: species name for yellow oleander updated from Thevetia peruviana to Cascabela thevetia.
TC Pedia > glossary: disk floret and ray floret glossed as one word instead of two words
Screen texts completed: 1798 (= +0 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1798 = 55).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tea/cv,pc: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Papaya/gd: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Pigeon pea/lf,gd: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Foxtail millet/fl: photo replaced.
- 578 photos (= +2 since previous version (foxtail millet (inflorescence, fruits)) ; upgraded/replaced 3 (pigeon pea (leaf), rice (panicles), sweet potato (flower))).
- 3833 pictures (= +60 since previous version:
added 61 (Brussels sprouts (field USA, purple variety, drawing of habit, as retailed), camphor tree (habit), cape gooseberry (as retailed in South Africa), foxtail millet (leaf, leaf details, habit, inflorescence, fruits), ginger (ligule), grape (vinyard FR, vinyard NZ), kiwi berry [in lemma kiwi] (male flowers, female flowers, fruits), lemon (TS and LS of fruit), maize (storage of cobs in tree), mammoth squash (leaf, flower, fruits), mango (dried fruit slices), musk pumpkin (halved butternut squash), opium poppy (flower detail, young flowering shoot, flower bud to mature fruit, seed, use of seed), papaya (seedling, as retailed in ZA), pigeon pea (young seedlings, cropping systems), pummelo (leaf, fruits, seed, products), shea tree (use of caterpillars), sorghum (mixed crop w/ cowpea), talinum (habit, stem and peduncle details), tea (plantation India, plucked leaves, types, transport, withering), zucchini (fruit details)).
removed 1 (Brussels sprouts (small map)).
upgraded/replaced 10 (Brussels sprouts (harvested product), cowpea (intercropping with maize), grape (seeds), kapok (habit, fruiting branches), pigeon pea (leaves, seeds), pummelo (fruits as retailed (Bali)), rose periwinkle (flower), sesame (seeds)).
- 20 video clips (+0 since previous version).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 40 (added 1 (pigeon pea). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +0 ([crop]).
The plant family (conform APG IV) and the main use of each crop are being added at the bottom of each crop's picture list.
NEW: Cycling through all the pictures of a crop on a dedicated browsing page can be done now also through the arrows on your keyboard.
- 388 crops (added 8 (Bermuda grass, camphor tree, golden kiwi (Actinidia chinensis), kiwi berry (Actinidia arguta), kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), oat, swordbean (Canavalia gladiata), vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides)).
- Manual mode (all photos): 1753 photos (= +101 since previous version:
added 101 (Bermuda grass (phyllotaxy, ligule), calabash tree (habit, leaves, trunk, fruit on tree, usage), camphor tree (habit), cape gooseberry (as retailed in ZA), celosia (habit, seeds, mixed cropping), cowpea (intercropping with maize), foxtail millet (grains, leaf details (blade, sheath, ligule), young iflorescences), ginger (leaf detail), grape (seedling, vinyards, inflorescence, infructescence, products), henna (dried leaves, powder, retailing, tattooist), kiwano (fruits), kiwi berry (male flowers, female flowers, fruits), kratom (potted seedling), lemon (TS and LS of fruit), maize (storage of cobs in tree), mango (dried fruit slices), mucuna (inflorescence), oat (plot, ligule, pistil), opium poppy (flower detail, young flowering shoot, flower bud to mature fruit, seed, use of seed), papaya (young seedling, as retailed in ZA), pigeon pea (young seedling, product), pitaya (orchard, flower bud, bagged fruit), pummelo (seeds, seedling, leaf, fruit on tree, fruit as retailed, juice, jam), pumpkins & squashes (halved butternut squash), saba (fruit, seed, stem), sesame (seeds, products), sorghum (mixed crop w/ cowpea), swordbean (habit, leaf, inflorescence, fruit, seeds), talinum (habit, stem-peduncle transition), tea (stem cuttings, plantation India, plucked leaves, types, withering, retailed product), vetiver grass (habit, leaf detail), West African tree grape (infructescences), zucchini (fruit ends close up)) ;
removed 0 ;
upgraded/replaced 4 (grape (seeds), kapok (fruiting branches), Madagascar periwinkle (flowers of pink-flwrd variety), pummelo (fruits on sale)).
- Slideshow (selected photos): 1353 photos (= +37 since previous version:
added 41 (calabash tree (leaves, habit), camphor tree (habit), celosia (seeds, mixed cropping), cowpea (intercropping with maize), foxtail millet (young inflorescence), ginger (leaf detail), golden kiwi (fruits), grape (vinyards, inflorescence, infructescence), kiwano (ripe fruits), kratom (seedling), lemon (TS and LS of fruit), mucuna (inflorescences), oat (plot), opium poppy (flower bud to mature fruit, flower detail), papaya (young seedling), pitaya (orchard, flower bud), pummelo (fruit on tree, fruit as retailed), saba (fruit), swordbean (leaf, inflorescence, seeds in fruit), tea (stem cuttings, plantation India, plucked leaves, types, withering), West African tree grape (infructescences, bunches for sale), zucchini (fruit ends close-up)) ;
removed 4 (grape (fruit bunch, seeds), kiwi (fruits on plant), pitaya (fruit on plant)) ;
upgraded/replaced 2 (kapok (fruiting branches), calabash tree (fruit on tree)).
NEW: Manual mode has now the same new look and feel (more in line with SlideShow mode) as in the CROPPIX module, accommodating the intuitive cycling through all the pictures of a plant on a dedicated browsing page, starting from any picture in the picture list, without having to go back to this list, while plant name and caption stay in view. This can be done now also through the arrows on your keyboard.
At the bottom of each plant's picture list, the plant family (conform APG IV) has been added.
- 60 taxa (added 1 (weeping fig (Ficus benjamina))).
- Manual mode (all photos): 197 photos (= +3 since previous version: added 5 (artichoke (close-up of flower with wasp), flamboyant (close-ups of flowers, fruits)), weeping fig (habit) ;
removed 2 (bamboo (stem with two nodes), grevillea (leaves) ;
upgraded/replaced 3 (cannon ball tree (trunk, flower), Madagascar periwinkle (flowers of pink-flwrd variety)).
- Slideshow (selected photos): 147 photos (= +4 since previous version (see Manual mode)).
Version 2.39.01 (05jul2017)
- 5608 graphics (= +118 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
ver. 2.37 and 2.38, CROPQUIZZZ: 0093018k.jpg not found (as it was upgraded to sisa13ct.jpg [open ..\variable\cqslides.var in Notepad > find and replace 0093018k.jpg by sisa13ct.jpg] ).
ver. 2.36, ..., 2.38, CROPPIX, Olive: 4519094k.jpg not found (as it was upgraded to oliv09ct.jpg). (The missing file (4519094k.jpg) can be retrieved from the Service Page and should be added to the ...\graphics\ folder ).
Species name for ambarella updated from Spondias cytherea (back) to S. dulcis.
Species name for black sapote updated from Diospyros digyna to D. nigra.
Species name for Hausa potato updated from Solenostemon rotundifolius to Plectranthus r..
Species name for kumquat updated from Fortunella sp. to Citrus japonica.
Species name for mabolo updated from Diospyros blancoi to D. discolor.
Species name for sesame in CropPix updated from Sesamum orientale (back) to S. indicum.
Species name for talinum updated from Talinum triangulare to T. fruticosum, and its family from Portulacaceae to Talinaceae.
Species name for tung in CropPix updated from Aleurites spp. to Vernicia spp.
Plant family names updated conform APG IV.
Screen texts completed: 1798 (= +0 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1798 = 55).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +0 ; still to go: 18).
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/gd: drawing replaced by photo.
- Starch Plants: Rice/cv: +photo, text adapted ; Sorghum/rt: +photo, text adapted ; Sweet potato/fl: photo upgraded.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/it,gr: text adapted, .../gr: +photo.
- 576 photos (= +0 since previous version ([crop] ([subject])) ; upgraded/replaced 2 (rice (panicles), sweet potato (flower))).
- 3773 pictures (= +56 since previous version:
added 54 (annatto (fruits close-up, product), bambara groundnut (use as snack), banana (as ornamental), fonio (panicle, harvested plants, threshing, grains, processed grains, dish), groundnut (habit of pinto peanut), mat (foliage), okra (comparison of fruits with West African okra (Abelmoschus caillei)), physic nut a.k.a. jatropha (seedling, habit, plantation, sprout, stem, seed, product (soap)), sago palm (poor grove), sorghum (harvesting, use as snack, roots), soya bean (harvestable field and pods), sugar beet (young uprooted plants, harvested beets, irrigation), sugar cane (harvesting in Guatemala), talinum (habit sideview, flower close-up, harvested shoots), upland cotton (fields, stem details, cotyledon and primary leaf, in-field storage, transport), wheat (spike of club wheat), zucchini (leaves));
upgraded/replaced 12 (annatto (young and old infructescence), bambara groundnut (hill), banana (TS petiole), broccoli (LS of harvested product), fonio (hand with grains), rice (panicles), sago palm (flowering/fruiting trees), sweet potato (flower), upland cotton (harvestable bush, distribution maps));
removed 1 (talinum (habit top-view close-up).
- 20 video clips (+0 since previous version ([crop] ([subject]))).
- Major data additions: fonio.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 39 (added 1 (wheat (Triticum eastivum and Triticum turgidum)). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 17 (= +1 (fonio).
NEW: Manual mode has a new look and feel (more in line with SlideShow mode) accommodating a great new feature: cycling through all the pictures of a crop on a dedicated browsing page, starting from any picture in the picture list, without having to go back to this list, while crop name and caption stay in view.
- 380 crops (added 17 (basil, bulb fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Azoricum Group), club wheat (Triticum compactum), derris (Derris elliptica), engkala (Litsea garciae), greenleaf desmodium (Desmodium intortum), holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), lavender, lucerne a.k.a. alfalfa, nerica rice (Oryza sativa x O. glaberrima), palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha), pinto peanut (Arachis pintoi), Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana), ruzi grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis), shiso (Perilla frutescens), silverleaf desmodium (Desmodium uncinatum), sweet dattock (Detarium microcarpum)).
- Manual mode (all photos): 1652 photos (= +104 since previous version:
added 109 (African spider flower (inflorescence), ambarella (habit, leaves, fruits, product), annatto (seeds as retailed), artichoke (purple cv), bamabara groundnut (as snack), bamboo (habit, stems, new sprouts, uses), basil (habit, inflorescence, cultivars, uses), bulb fennel (habit, bulb, retail), citron (candied peel), club wheat (spike), derris (leaf), elephant garlic (product), engkala (fruits), fonio (harvested plants, grains as retailed), greenleaf desmodium (leaf), holy basil (leaves, inflorescence, flower), kenaf (retting, drying fibres, stripped stems), lavender (field, inflorescence, flower), lotus (leaves, habit, receptacles with fruits), lucerne aka alfalfa (habit, leaf, inflorescence), mango (dessert), miracle berry (fruiting branches), mucuna (seeds, pods on the plant), nerica rice (panicle, kernels, striga), onion (inflorescence), palisade grass (leaf & stem, inflorescence), patchouli (inflorescence), physic nut (young seedling, nursery, habit, plantation, sprout, trunk, seed, soap), pinto peanut (habit), potato (vending in Mali), quince (fruit and leaves), Rhodes grass (leaf detail), roselle - calyx type (fruiting branch), ruzi grass (leaf & stem), sawah lettuce (habit, inflorescence), shiso (habit, leaves), silverleaf desmodium (leaf), sorghum (as snack, harvesting), stevia (product), sweet dattock (dry fruits for sale), talinum (habit, flower, harvested shoots), vanilla (new branch, sorting, bundles of cured beans), white lupin (flowering plot), yard-long bean (bundles for sale, PH), zucchini (leaves) ;
removed 5 (fonio (panicle), wheat (grains), prickly pear (plantation), white mustard (seeds), zucchini (fem.flower,UK) ;
upgraded/replaced 7 (ambarella (unripe fruit as snack), bambara groundnut (hill), lotus (flower bud), physic nut (habit, trunk detail), sago palm (flowering/fruiting trees), sugar cane (harvesting in GT))).
- Slideshow (selected photos): 1316 photos (= +58 since previous version:
added 61 (ambarella (fruit), argan (leafy branch), annatto (seeds as retailed), artichoke (purple cv), asam paya a.k.a. kelubi (Eleiodoxa conferta), bambara groundnut (cooked pods), bamboo (habit, stems, new sprouts, uses), bulb fennel (retail), engkala (fruits) , fonio (harvested plants, grains as retailed), greenleaf desmodium (leaf), kenaf (retting, drying fibres, stripped stems), lavender (field, flower), lotus (leaves, habit, receptacles with fruits), lucerne (inflorescence), miracle berry (fruit in situ), nerica rice (panicle, kernels, striga), onion (inflorescence), patchouli (inflorescence), physic nut (young seedling, nursery, sprout, habit, trunk, seed, soap), pinto peanut (habit), quince (fruit and leaves), roselle - calyx type (fruiting branch), ruzi grass (leaf & stem detail), sawah lettuce (habit, inflorescence), sorghum (milk-ripe grains for sale, harvesting), sweet dattock (dry fruits for sale), sweet dattock (dry fruits for sale), talinum (flower), vanilla (new branch, sorting beans), yard-long bean (bundles for sale, PH), zucchini (leaves) ;
removed 3 (bambara groundnut (hill), fonio (panicle), patchouli (leaves)) ;
upgraded/replaced 5 (annatto (infructescence), lotus (flower bud), physic nut (habit), sugar cane (harvesting in GT), vanilla (bundles of cured beans), white lupin (flowering plant))).
- 59 taxa (added 0 ([taxon])).
- Manual mode (all photos): 194 photos (= +9 since previous version: added 9 (bamboo (habit, stems, in gardening), lotus (habit, leaves, receptacle), rose (disassembled flower) ; upgraded/replaced 1 (lotus (flower bud))).
- Slideshow (selected photos): 143 photos (= +9 since previous version (see Manual mode)).
Version 2.38 (17jun2016)
- 5490 graphics (= +111 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
Copies of Version 2.37 shipped before 01sep2015 had a corrupted file which caused TropCrop to freeze on starting Slide Show in CropPix. (The debugged file (cpslides.var) to replace it can be retrieved from the Service Page).
As the term 'cultivar group' as a taxon has been officially replaced by the term 'Group' (since the publication in 2004 of the 7th edition of the ICNCP), this rule has now been adhered to throughout TropCrop.
NEW: Video clips available at the right places (crop and subject) in CropTutor through in-line hotword [video] (i.e., not anymore only through the video menu in TC-Pedia).
Screen texts completed: 1798 (= +1 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1798 = 55).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 91 (= +1 ; still to go: 18).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tea/ct: +video.
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea/ct: +2videos & text adapted, .../yl: +video.
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/ct: +video.
- Fruits & Nuts: Cashew/yl: photo replaced, .../pc: +photo, +video ; Citrus/hb: photo upgraded ; Papaya/cv: +photo ; Watermelon/us: photo upgraded.
- Oil Plants: Coconut palm/ct: +video ; Groundnut/ct: +video ; Oil palm/us: text adapted, .../cv: +photo, .../yl: +video ; Sesame/ct: +video.
- Spices: Garlic/it: text adapted ; Vanilla/pc: +video, text adapted.
- Starch Plants: Maize/gd: +photo ; Pearl millet/pc: +video, text adapted ; Yam/us: +photo.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/ct: +2videos (1 replacing photo).
- Vegetables: Aubergine/cv: +photo ; Basella/hb: +photo ; Common cabbage/it: +photo, .../us: photo replaced by 2 others, .../pc: +photo, .../hb: +photo ; Lettuce/us: +photo, text adapted, .../gr: +2 photos, .../hb: +photo, .../fl: +photo, .../fs: +photo, .../st: +photo ; Onion/it: text adapted, .../pc: +text +photo (-> texts completed), .../fl: photo replaced ; Okra/us,pc,fs: +photo, .../hb: photo replaced ; Pak-choi/fl: +photo, .../st:: +photo.
- 576 photos (= +4 since previous version (basella (flower), okra (habit, leaf), pak-choi (flowering) ; upgraded/replaced 1 (okra (fruit))).
- 3717 pictures (= +76 since previous version (asparagus (2nd season regrowth), aubergine (white fruit), basella (cultivation methods, ornamental use, leaf in situ, inflorescence in situ), cashew (raw fruits (nuts), traditional processing), common cabbage (habit (headed), oxheart as retailed, transport, dishes), cauliflower (dish with romanesco), hazelnut (nuts, oil), kale (field, on the market, lacinato, curly red, ornamental, chips), lettuce (fields, flowering habit, flower head, infructescence, fruits, use), maize (young seedlings, leaf sheath), metel thorn apple (flower, fruit (in lemma Jimsonweed)), oil palm (TS Dura-type kernel), okra (habit, leaf, fruit, post-harvest (cutting, drying), dish, chips, pickles), onion (products), pak-choy (habit flowering, stem), papaya (seedless fruit), pecan nut (nuts in shell (=seeds)), petsai (habit, cultivation, harvested product), potato (retail), roselle (close-ups of flower, harvested plants, dried calyces), sorghum (re-erecting stem), strawberry (runner), temulawak a.k.a. Java ginger (drink), tobacco (drying leaves), white Guinea yam (dish), zucchini (pie))).
- 20 video clips (+0 since previous version)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 5 since previous version (lemon (habit fruiting), lemon/lime (leaf comparison), okra (fruit (ex-situ, whole and cut), petsai (pre-sales inspection), watermelon (city kiosk))).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 38 (= +6 since previous version (aubergine, common cabbage (headed cabbage), kale (leaf cabbage), okra, pak-choy, petsai). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 16 (= +0).
- 363 crops (= +11 (hairy water lily (Nymphaea pubescens), hazelnut, metel thorn apple (Datura metel), oysternut (Telfairia pedata), parsnip, purslane, pyrethrum, rutabaga, temulawak (Curcuma zanthorrhiza), turnip, West African tree grape (Lannea microcarpa)).
- 1548 photos (= +30 since previous version: added 25 (akee (habit fruiting, very young fruits), hairy water lily (usage), hazelnut (nuts), lotus (product), metel thorn apple (flower, fruit), naranjilla (flower close-up), oysternut, parsnip (habit, harvested product), pecan nut (nuts in shell), petsai (habit, heads), purslane (plucked shoots), pyrethrum (habit, leaf, flower, field), rutabaga (root), temulawak (drink) , turnip (roots), West African tree grape (fruitbunch) ; removed 2 (rape); upgraded/replaced 3 (okra, watermelon)).
- Slideshow: 1258 photos (= +12 since previous version: added 14 (akee (fruiting tree), hairy water lily (usage), hazelnut (nuts), metel thorn apple (flower), naranjilla (flower close-up), oysternut (seeds), petsai (habit, heads), purslane (plucked shoots), pyrethrum (field, leaf tip, capitulum), temulawak (drink), tobacco (drying leaves) ; removed 2 (rape); upgraded/replaced 4 (naranjilla (fruit), okra (fruit), pecan nut (nuts in shell), watermelon (city kiosk)).
- Renamed rape to kale.
- 59 taxa (= +1 since previous version (Geiger tree a.k.a. scarlet cordia)).
- 185 photos (= +3 since previous version (traveler's tree (in natural habitat), Geiger tree (inflorescence, flower))).
- Slideshow: 134 photos (= +4 since previous version).
Version 2.37 (04aug2015)
- 5379 graphics (= +89 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
Video clips in mpeg2 format converted to mpeg1 to make them playable also in Windows 8 (which does not support mpeg2 anymore).
Screen texts completed: 1797 (= +0 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1797 = 56).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 90 (= +0 ; still to go: 19).
- Fibre Plants: Kenaf/pc: +photos, text adapted ; Sisal/it: photo replaced, .../us: photo replaced, .../pt: +photo, .../ct: +photo, .../pc: +photos, .../rt: +drawing.
- Fruits & Nuts: Papaya/cv: +photo, .../fs: photo upgraded.
- Starch Plants: Maize/fs: photos upgraded ; Potato/us,gr,cv,st: +photo, ../us: text adapted ; Rice/ct: photo upgraded ; Sorghum/od: text adapted, .../df: +photo ; Sweet potato/lf: +photo, text adapted ; Wheat/hb: photo upgraded.
- Vegetables: Cucumber/fl: +photo ; Pumpkins & Squashes/pt: +photo, .../df: +photos.
- 572 photos (= +2 since previous version (mango (flower), wheat (habit)) ; replaced 2 (cashew (fruits -> seeds), maize (cob)).
- 3641 pictures (= +75 since previous version (bottle gourd (fruit on the vine), carob (fruitbunch, trunk), cashew (fruits, apples), hevea rubber (bands), cucumber (male flower, mixed cropping with maize), hop (product), kenaf (retting, drying fibres, stripped stems), mango (fly licking flower disk), melon (flowers and fruit on the plant), oil palm (sub-soil trunk base), okra (leaf development), onion (plots, habit, leaves, inflorescence), papaya (fruit (whole and cut), patchouli (inflorescence, stem, uses), potato (field, use, fruit, stem, sorting, retailing in Mali), rice (striga, winnowing), sheabutter tree (habit, habit flowering, inflorescence, fruit whole and sectioned, fruit retail, rotting fruit, drying kiln, caterpillar retail), sisal (habit flowering, sucker, plantation, mixed cropping with cotton, decortication, fibre drying, bale, rope, twine), sorghum (comparison with maize, fertilizing, product), sweet potato (leaf), tree tomato (fruits as retailed, chutney), zucchini (female flower, yellow fruits, wholesale in Burkina Faso).
- 20 video clips (+3 since previous version (cashew (manual nut cracking), pearl millet (pounding ears), physic nut (manual seed extraction)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 9 since previous version (broccoli (floret), hop (plantation), maize (cob 2x, use as baby maize), patchouli (habit), potato (tubers), rice (transplanting), wheat (habit)).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 32 (= +0 since previous version ([crop]; added newer 2007 version of sheabutter text). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 16 (= +4 (hevea rubber, pecan nut, Persian walnut, pistachio).
- 352 crops (= +1 (zucchini)).
- 1518 photos (= +7 since previous version (cucumber (male flower), mango (fly licking flower disk), sheabutter (habit, opened fruit), sisal (drying fibre), zucchini (female flower, yellow fruit))).
- Slideshow: 1246 photos (= +5 since previous version (cucumber (male flower), mango (fly licking flower disk), sisal (drying fibre), zucchini (female flower, yellow fruit) ; 1 replaced (maize (cobs)).
- 58 taxa (= +0 since previous version ([taxon])).
- 182 photos (= +0 since previous version ([taxon ([subject])).
- Slideshow: 130 photos (= +0 since previous version).
Version 2.36 (31jul2014)
- 5290 graphics (= +105 since previous version).
- botanical name for tomato updated (Lycopersicon esculentum -> Solanum lycopersicum).
- Errors corrected:
CropPix: empty entry 'bitterwood' removed (use entry 'quassia wood' instead).
CropPix/sponge gourd: typo (Luffa aegytiaca -> Luffa aegyptiaca)
TC-Pedia: 2-character glossary queries containing a number (e.g. C4, F1) returned a literature reference instead of a gloss.
TC-Pedia: sound restored to video clip of use of African fan palm fruits.
Screen texts completed: 1797 (= +1 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1797 = 56).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 90 (= +1 ; still to go: 19).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Coffee/us: +photo., .../pc: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Cashew: +background photo, .../ct,pc,lf,fs,st,gd: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Olive/us: +photo, photo upgraded, .../ct: photos upgraded, .../it,gr,ct: +text (-> texts completed).
- Protein Plants: Cowpea/yl: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Quinoa/us: +photo ; Rice/it: photo upgraded ; Yams/us: +photo.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/ct: +photo, photo replaced.
- Vegetables: Carrot/us,pt,gr,ct,cv,pc,fs,gd: +photo, ../fs: photo replaced, ../hb,fs: drawing adapted ; Okra/lf: +photo, text adapted.
- 570 photos (= +0 since previous version ([crop] ([subject]) ; replaced 1 (cashew (fruits -> seeds)).
- 3566 pictures (= +58 since previous version (aerial yam (usage), arabica coffee (raw and roasted beans), avocado (orchard), bambara groundnut (fruits in situ), carambola (stem), carob (product), carrot (leaf, infructescence, fruit, cultivars, cultivation, relay-copping, wholesale, retail, product), cashew (seeds, processing, flush, trunk, inflorescence, nursery), cassava (deep-fried chips), coffee (caff latte), custard apple (seedling, nursery), fenugreek (field, habit, leaf, flower, fruit), groundnut (5-kg bucket peanutbutter), mango (dessert), okra (young plant), olive (table olives, ornamental use), papaya (canned fruit pieces, whole and cut mountain papaya), pecan nut (leaf), potato (other potatoes (Hausa potato (Solenostemon rotundifolius))), quinoa (whole-grain use), sheabutter (nursery, germination mode, bark), strawberry (use, product), sugar cane (irrigation), sweet potato (cultivation on mounds), talinum (flower)).
- 17 video clips (+2 since previous version (sesame (manual harvesting, BF), sugar cane (manual harvesting, IN)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 11 since previous version (bambara groundnut (flower ,fruits in situ), carrot (botanical drawing), cashew (flowers), fenugreek (plant with mature pods), olive (irrigation, harvesting nets, cans with oil), rice (paddy fields), sugar cane (planting setts)).
- Major data additions: cashew, fenugreek.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 32 (= +2 since previous version (olive, physic nut a.k.a. jatropha). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- NEW: Crops with all mentions in REHM & ESPIG (1991) "The cultivated plants of the tropics and subtropics" available in background with hyperlinked literature references and glossed words: 12 (black henbane, blue gum, bullock's heart, cacao, carob, cassia, castor, cluster bean, hop, papaya, sapote, sweet potato).
- 351 crops (= +2 (apple, Hausa potato)).
- 1511 photos (= +31 since previous version (African fan palm (habit, fruit bunch, usage), African locust bean (seeds, soumbala), akee (fruit, seed, leaves), apple (cultivation in Java, leaves), bamboo (making ladders), calabash tree (habit), carrot (relay crop, infructescence), cashew (flush, flowers, seeds), drumstick tree (leaf, nursery, seedling), Hausa potato (tubers as sold), oca (tubers), sponge gourd (product), wolfberry a.k.a. goji berry (leafy branch tip))).
- Slideshow: 1241 photos (= +14 since previous version (African fan palm, akee, apple, carrot, cashew, drumstick tree, fenugreek, Hausa potato) ; 6 replaced (African fan palm (habit), calabash tree (fruits by habit), carrot (market), cashew (leaves -> seeds, young fruits -> flush), fenugreek (habit)).
- 58 taxa (= +1 since previous version (olive)).
- 182 photos (= +3 since previous version (oleander (flowers close-up), olive (young tree), traveler's tree (tree tops))).
- Slideshow: 130 photos (= +3 since previous version).
Version 2.35 (11jun2013)
- 5185 graphics (= +169 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1796 (= +7 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1796 = 57).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 89 (= +3 ; still to go: 20).
- Auxiliary Plants: Grevillea/st: +photo, ../fs: photo replaced ; Tephrosia/fs: typo corrected (4x6 m -> 4x6 mm), ../us,st: +photo.
- Beverages & Stimulants: ...
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea rubber/lf: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Banana/cv: text adapted, +photo ; Citrus/od: +photo ; Mango/pt: photo replaced ; Passionfruit/it: scale of yellow passionfruit photo made same as that of purple passionfruit, ../us: +photo ; Sweet almond/us: +text, +photo ; Watermelon/pc: +text, ../ct,pc: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Coconut palm/us: +photo ; Nigerseed/df: +photo ; Olive/it: photo replaced ; Safflower/ct: photo replaced ; Sunflower/df: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Chickpea/us: +photos ; Cowpea/us: +photo, text adapted ; Mung bean/pc: +photo ; Pigeon pea/hb,st: photo replaced, ../st: +photo, ../lf: text adapted.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/fs: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Maize/us: +photo ; Pearl millet/us,ct,pc: +photo, ../pt: photo replaced, ../it,us: text adapted, ../pc: +text (-> texts completed) ; Sorghum/ct,pc,lf,fl,rt: +photo, ../it: photo replaced, ../it,us,yl,pc,lf,rt,gd: text adapted, ../ct,pc: +text (-> texts completed).
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/cv: +photo, text adapted.
- Vegetables: Cucumber/ct,cv,fs: +photo, ../hb: drawing replaced by photo ; Lettuce/pt,ct,cv,gd: +photo, ../fl,fs: text adapted, ../cv,gd,df: +text (-> texts completed).
- 570 photos (= +1 since previous version (pigeon pea (habit) ; replaced 2 (kola nut (fruit), sugar cane (habit)).
- 3508 pictures (= +111 since previous version (arabica coffe (canned product), artichoke (cultivars), aubergine (variety), banana (red fruits), betel pepper (selling leaves), buckwheat (field), capsicum pepper - hot (upright fruits), capsicum pepper - sweet (cultivation, retail), cardoon (in artichoke lemma: field, petioles, inflorescence, product), chickpea (uses), chicory (as forage), coconut palm (use (coir, endosperm, husk, porcupine wood)), cowpea (dish), cucumber (field, creeping habit, female flower, seeds, use, variety), date (as ornamental), feijoa (flower, drink), grevillea (branch tip, inflorescence), jackfruit (processing), Jerusalem artichoke (in artichoke lemma: tubers), kola nut (fruits, retail), lettuce (nursery, field, cultivars), licorice (products), maize (prop roots, tortilla), mandarin (fruits for sale), mung bean (cans and jars with 'germes de soja', packaged fresh sprouts), oil palm (fruit retail), orange (use), passionfruit (fresh use), pearl millet (long-bristled varieties, use, product, breeding), physic nut (fresh seed), pigeon pea (habit, stem), pomegranate (opened fruits for sale), rose periwinkle (habit, white flowers), safflower (field), sapodilla (opened fruit), sorghum (tall variety, leaf details, panicles, female anthesis, roots, drying panicles, beer), soya bean (infructescence, field, soya-fortified maize flour), soursop (inflorescence, fruits on market), sugar cane (variety), sunn hemp (seedling), taro (corms in supermarket), tephrosia (branch tip, mixed cropping with maize), vetiver grass (habit, leaf detail), watermelon (jam, vending fruit cubes), wheat (spike, straw). zucchini (variety))).
- 15 video clips (+0 since previous version ([crop] ([subject])).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 10 since previous version (aubergine (field), chayote (harvested product), date (infructescence), hevea rubber (extra-floral nectaries), hop (inflorescences, leaves), mango (billboard), rose periwinkle (habit), soursop (inflorescence, opened flower), soya bean (habit, infructescence), sugar cane (harvesting)).
- Major data additions: lettuce, soursop.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 228 (= +1 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 30 (= +3 since previous version (blue gum, pearl millet, sorghum). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- 349 crops (= +6 (bergamot orange, miracle berry (Synsepalum dulcificum), mizuna, quassia wood (Quassia amara), quince, stevia)).
- 1480 photos (= +42 since previous version (baobab (flower), bergamot orange (fruits), betel pepper (leaves for sale), capsicum pepper (variety with upright fruits), cardoon (field, habit, leaf, inflorescence, product), cucumber (leaves), feijoa (flower), hevea rubber (exudating leaf, flowering branch), kola nut (fruits/seeds), maize (male inflorescence, brace roots), miracle berry (leaf, stem), mizuna (habit, inflorescence), pearl millet (bristly spikes), pumpkins & squashes (yellow zucchinis), quassia wood (habit, leaf, inflorescence, flower, stem), quince (fruits), saba (fruit, product), sorghum (tall variety, drying panicles), soursop (fruits for sale), stevia (habit, shoot tip, inflorescence, flowers), sweet almond (immature fruits))).
- Slideshow: 1227 photos (= +16 since previous version (banana, baobab, capsicum pepper, bergamot orange, cardoon, cucumber, hevea rubber, kola nut, pearl millet, quince, saba, sorghum, stevia, sweet almond) ; 17 replaced (aubergine, betel pepper, chayote, feijoa, grevillea, hevea rubber, loquat, maize, pomegranate, rose periwinkle, sapodilla, soursop, wheat)).
- 57 taxa (= +2 since previous version (scarlet flame bean (Brownea coccinea ; trumpet vine (Campsis radicans)).
- ... photos (= +15 since previous version (canna, date palm, feijoa, golden trumpet, jacaranda, poinsettia, Madagascar periwinkle, scarlet flame bean, spectacular cassia, trumpet vine) ; 4 replaced/upgraded (chaconia, grevillea, Madagascar periwinkle)).
- Slideshow: 127 photos (= +10 since previous version).
Version 2.34 (01aug2012)
- 5016 graphics (= +151 since previous version).
NEW: Passionfruit module in commodity group Fruits & Nuts.
Screen texts completed: 1789 (= +28 since previous version; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853-1789 = 64).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 86 (= +4 ; still to go: 23).
- Auxiliary Plants: Tephrosia/lf,fl,fs: +photo, ../it,hb,df: photo replaced, ../it,ct: +text (-> texts completed).
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea rubber/fl: drawing replaced by photo, text updated.
- Fibre Plants: Sisal/pc: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/us: +photo ; Grape/fl: +photo ; Melon/pt: photo replaced, ../pc: +photo ; Papaya/yl,st: +photo, ../pt,gd: photo replaced , ../it,pc,rt,gd: +text (-> texts completed) ; Passionfruit/all: +photos, +text (-> completed) ; Watermelon/it,fs: photo replaced, ../us,ct,gd: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Soya bean/pc: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Soya bean/us: +photo (meal, milk).
- Spices: Vanilla/pt: +photo, text updated, ../hb,lf,st: photo replaced. +background photo.
- Starch Plants: Proso millet/it: photo replaced, .../cv: +text, +photo, .../ct,pc: +text, .../lf: text adapted, photo replaced, photo added, .../fl: photo replaced, .../fs: +photo, .../gd: +text, picture replaced, .../df: + text, + photos (-> texts completed).
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/hb: photo replaced.
- Vegetables: Common cabbage/cv: +photo ; Okra/us: +photo ; Pumpkin&Squash/fs: +photo.
- 569 photos (= +5 since previous version (proso millet (leaf), rubber tree (inflorescence), tephrosia (leaf, flower), white Guinea yam (tuber)) ; replaced 3 (proso millet (fruit), tephrosia (habit)).
- 3397 pictures (= +90 since previous version (asparagus (grades), babaco (fruit (in papaya lemma)), betel nut (poster), cardoon (marketed product (in artichoke lemma)), chicory (habit of bolted plant), common cabbage (oxheart), elephant garlic (pickled bulblets), ensete (inflorescence), grape (inflorescence), grevillea (crown, trunk), hevea rubber (inflorescence), jackfruit (fruits), kale (cultivation), kiwi (stem), lemon (use, plantation), licorice (use), mandarin (dried fruits), melon (packing), musk pumpkin (fruit), oil palm (fruit bunches, palm heart), okra (dish), papaya (use (leaf, unripe fruit, dried fruit), young plant, selling, fruit of mountain papaya, hollow stem), passionfruit (emptied fruits, fruits and seedlings of banana passionfruit a.k.a. tacso; emptied fruit, fruit of yellow passionfruit; ornamental flowers; stem, flower, tendrils of giant granadilla), pecan nut (tart), proso millet (leaf details, young fruits, infructescence, young inflorescence), raffia palm (transport of fibres), roselle (jam), sago palm (papeda), salak palm ('Bali' fruits as retailed), sisal (drying fibres), soya bean (meal, oil, milk), tephrosia (habit, leaves, inflorescence, seeds, stem), tree tomato (fruits as retailed), vanilla(habit, stem, branch, grading, product, packing), watermelon (seedlings, fruit, cultivation, use), winged bean (tuberous roots))).
- 15 video clips (+1 since previous version (vanilla (grading) ; size and sound of oil palm and sugar cane clips restored)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 4 since previous version (lemon (fruit), neem (insecticidal press cake), passion fruit (flower), proso millet (leaf sheath)).
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 227 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 27 (= +2
since previous version (foxtail millet, maize). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- 343 crops (= +5 (cardoon, mountain papaya, rucola, sugar plum (Uapaca kirkiana), wolfberry a.k.a. goji berry (Lycium barbarum))).
- 1438 photos (= +27 since previous version (banana passionfruit a.k.a. tacso (fruits, seedlings), grevillea (crown, trunk), jackfruit (fruits), kumquat (fruits on branch, candied fruits), mountain papaya (fruit), proso millet (panicle, grains), rucola (inflorescence, young fruits), sisal (fibre drying), sugar plum (habit, leaf, fruit, seed, trunk), tree tomato (fruits as sold), watermelon (plant, salad), wolfberry (dried fruits))).
- Slideshow: 1211 photos (= +13 since previous version (banana passionfruit, grevillea, mountain papaya, proso millet, rucola, sisal, sugar plum, tephrosia, watermelon) ; 4 replaced (jackfruit, proso millet, tree tomato)).
- 55 taxa (= +3 since previous version (African lily (Agapanthus praecox), Indian clock vine (Thunbergia mysorensis), spectacular cassia (Senna spectabilis)).
- ... photos (= +15 since previous version (cup of gold vine, flamboyant, frangipani, Indian clock vine, spectacular cassia, white strelitzia)).
- Slideshow: 117 photos (= +14 since previous version).
Version 2.33 (01aug2011)
- 4865 graphics (= +145 since previous version).
- glossary expanded with 408 new entries.
- main entry for Panicum miliaceum changed from Common millet into Proso millet.
Screen texts completed: 1761 (= +8 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836-1761 = 75).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 82 (= +3 ; still to go: 26).
- Auxiliary Plants: Grevillea/ct,gd: +photo, ../gd: +text (-> texts completed)
- Beverages & Stimulants: ...
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea rubber/gd: +photo.
- Fibre Plants: Linseed/lf: +photo, ../gd: photo replaced.
- Fruits & Nuts: Mango/pc: +photo ; Pineapple/pc: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Groundnut/ct: photo upgraded ; Sunflower/us: +photos, ../us,rt: text adapted, ../pt: text updated, ../ct,gd: +text (-> texts completed), ../ct: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Faba bean/st,rt: +photo ; Groundnut/ct: photo upgraded ; Soya bean/us: +text, ../us,ct,gd: +photo.
- Spices: Cardamom/us,fl: +photo ; Garlic/it,cv,pc,lf,df: +photo, ../pc,gd: +text (-> texts completed), ../pt: text updated ; Ginger/gd: +text, ../fl: text upgraded ; Parsley/hb,lf,fl: +photo, ../it: photo replaced ; Turmeric/it: photo upgraded, ../hb: photo replaced, ../pt,gd: +photo, ../lf: text updated.
- Starch Plants: Barley/ct,fl,st: +photo, ../gr: photo upgraded ; Proso millet/pt: +text, ../hb: +photo, text adapted.
- Sugar Plants: ...
- Vegetables: Basella/gd: +text.
- 564 photos (= +7 since previous version (barley (ear detail), cardamom (flower), garlic (habit, inflorescence, leaf), tannia (tubers))).
- 3307 pictures (= +76 since previous version (banana (fields Canary Islands), barley (spike details, harvest, stem), broccoli (heads of 2 different cvs), Brussels sprouts (as marketed on stalk), cardamom (flower, use), cauliflower (as marketed, heads of different cvs (incl. romanesco), deepfrozen), cinchona (cultivation, tonic water, tree on Peruvian coins), Congo jute (fruits and seeds), chicory (reddish witloof cv), elephant grass (mixed crop), faba bean (hollow stem, root nodules), garlic (habit and inflorescence (common, serpent, elephant), leaves, leaf detail, paste), ginger (rhizome with shoots), gliricidia (nursery, seedling), grevillea (seedling, nursery), kohlrabi (purple cv), lime (juice), linseed (seedlings, use), mango (chutney), mangosteen (product), neem (seeds), okra (old fruits), papaya (fruits for sale), parsley (habit, leaves, inflorescence), passionfruit (juice), pineapple (dried fruit slices), proso millet (habit), soya bean (root, seedling, uses, flour), sunflower (flowering field, harvestable field, inflorescence bud, oil, ornamental uses), Swiss chard (leaves), tamarind (young seedling), taro (cormels for sale), turmeric (habit, marketing, field, garden, young shoots), watermelon (yellow-fleshed cv.), yard-long bean (braided bundles for sale)).
- 14 video clips (+0 since previous version)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 6 since previous version (aubergine (fruit), cauliflower (heads), groundnut (as intercrop), rambutan (fruits), turmeric (habit)).
- Major data additions: cauliflower, cinchona, jimsonweed.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 227 (= +1 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 25 (= +13
since previous version (bambara groundnut, basella, cowpea, ensete, garlic, leek, mung bean, onion, proso millet, rice (incl. Oryza glaberrima), spinach beet, sugar beet, sunflower). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- 338 crops (= +9 (African locust bean, calamondin, double coconut, elephant garlic, henna, Mexican calabash, myrtle, oca, Swiss chard)).
- 1411 photos (= +33 since previous version (African locust bean (habit, leaf), argan (habit, branch, leaf, trunk), baobab (habit, young fruit, fruit juice), barley (spike), calamondin (fruits), cardamom (flower), double coconut (leaves, 'seed'), drumstick tree (leaves for sale), elephant garlic (habit, inflorescence), garlic (inflorescence), groundnut (as intercrop), henna (leafy shoots), lablab (black seeds), Mexican calabash (fruiting branches), myrtle (flower, trunk) oca (tubers), papaya (fruits), sunflower (inflorescence bud), Swiss chard (leaves), turmeric (habit))).
- Slideshow: 1198 photos (= +12 since previous version (African locust bean, argan, baobab, barley, calamondin, elephant garlic, garlic, groundnut, oca, papaya, sunflower, watermelon) ; 3 replaced (cardamom, sunflower)).
- 52 taxa (= +3 since previous version (African tulip tree, anthurium, flame vine)).
- ... photos (= +7 since previous version (African tulip tree, anthurium, flame vine)).
- Slideshow: 104 photos (= +4 since previous version).
Version 2.32 (01aug2010)
- 4720 graphics (= +110 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1753 (= +6 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836-1753 = 83).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 79 (= +3 ; still to go: 29).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Cacao/us: photo replaced.
- Fruits & Nuts: Pistachio/it,cv: +photo, ../lf: photo replaced.
- Oil Plants: Indian mustard/lf: +photo ; Nigerseed/lf,gd: +photo ; Sesame/us,gr,pc,fl: +photo, ../lf,df: photo replaced ; Soya bean/it,yl: +photo/photo replaced, ../pc: +text (-> texts completed).
- Protein Plants: Lentil/pc: +text (-> texts completed) ; Lima bean/pc,st: +text (-> texts completed), ../it,ct,pc,fr,st: +photo/photo replaced ; Mung bean/lf,df: +photo, ../df: +text; Soya bean/it,yl: +photo/photo replaced.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/gd,df: +text (-> texts completed).
- Starch Plants: Cassava/us: +photo ; Maize/it,hb: photo upgraded ; Plantain/df: photo replaced ; Sweet potato/cv: +photo ; Tannia/us,rt: +photo
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/ct: +photos.
- Vegetables: Basella/gd: +photo ; Tomato/us,cv,hb,st: +photo, ../pt,fs: photo replaced.
- 559 photos (= +9 since previous version (cardamom (flower), kiwi (flower), kola nut (leaf), Lima bean (fruit, leaf), soya bean (habit), tannia (tubers), tobacco (flower)) ; replaced 5 (kiwi (fruit), kola nut (flower) by nigerseed (leaf), nigerseed (flower), olive (leaf) by Indian mustard (leaf), sesame (leaf))).
- 3230 pictures (= +67 since previous version (banana & plantain (comparison of fruit, use of leaf sheath), basella (seedlings), black henbane (flowers, leaf), cacao (products), cassava (use of leaves), cotton (use), Indian mustard (leaves), Job's tears (leaf detail), kiwi (orchard, flowers, green-fleshed fruits, yellow-fleshed fruits, shoot tip, irrigation, uses, arctic kiwi), kola nut (leaf, use), Lima bean (habit/cultivation, leaf, infructescence, fuit, products), macadamia (product), maize (fields), mung bean (leaf details), nigerseed (stem, leaves, seedling), petsai (plant before heading), pistachio (leaf, young fruits), potato (field), rattan (plants in natural habitat), sesame (leaf, growth & development, nectaries, products), soya bean (habit), sugar cane (burning, cutting), sweet potato (red-leaved variety), tannia (root, cormels), taro (harvested corms), tobacco (flower close-up), tomato (habit, stem, cultivars, use, trivia (tomatica font)), ...)).
- 14 video clips (+1 since previous version (sugar cane (setting field on fire))).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 8 since previous version (arabica coffee (harvesting, yellow beans), black henbane (habit), maize (intercopping), nigerseed (flowering plants), plantain (fruit)).
- Major data additions: kiwi, Lima bean, tannia.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 12 (= +1
since previous version (soya bean). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- 329 crops (= +6 (argan, asam paya a.k.a. kelubi, black henbane, khella a.k.a. toothpick weed, pea eggplant a.k.a. devil's pea, star gooseberry a.k.a. katuk)).
- 1378 photos (= +16 since previous version (argan (fruits), asam paya (fruits), black henbane (inflorescence), golden shower (fruits), khella (dried inflorescences), kwi (fruits), laurel (leaves for sale), macadamia (inflorescence detail), pea eggplant (young plant), sesame (nectaries), star gooseberry (flowers, fruit, leaves for sale), white mulberry (fruits))).
- Slideshow: 1185 photos (= +9 since previous version (asam paya, black henbane, golden shower, khella, laurel, sesame, star gooseberry, white mulberry) ; 6 replaced (arabica coffee, fig-leaf gourd, golden shower, kiwi, macadamia, mung bean)).
- 49 taxa (= +0 since previous version ([taxon])).
- ... photos (= +1 since previous version (lipstick palm)).
- Slideshow: 100 photos (= +1 since previous version).
Version 2.31 (25apr2010)
- 4610 graphics (= +87 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1747 (= +3 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836-1747 = 89).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 76 (= +1 ; still to go: 32).
- Fruits & Nuts: Avocado/ct: +photo ; Banana/us: text edited, ../us,cv,pc: +photo, ../hb,st,gd: photo replaced ; Mango/pt: +photo ; Watermelon/pt: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Linseed/gd: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Mung bean/us: +photo ; Pigeon pea/pt: +photo.
- Spices: Garlic/pt: +photo ; Ginger/pc: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Plantain/cv: +photo ; Taro/us: +photo.
- Vegetables: Aubergine/pt: +photo ; Kangkong/ct,yl,st: +photo, ../pc,rt,gd: +text (-> texts completed) ; Onion/lf: +photo.
- 550 photos (= +0 since previous version) ; replaced 1 (banana (habit))).
- 3163 pictures (= +49 since previous version (aubergine (round-fruited variety), avocado (wedge graft), banana (cultivars, use, male buds, products, g&d, harvest), bottle gourd (use), Brussels sprouts (product), chicory (witloof cultivation, product, catalogna and radicchio variety, root), durian (fruits), fig (sprouting branches, products), garlic (product), ginger (jam), kales (collard habit), kangkong (flower LS, rooting node, seedling), khat (harvesting), linseed (seedlings), mango (fruit sticker), mung bean (product), pigeon pea (product), plantain (fruit bunch 'Abu'), raffia palm (habit, leaf, fruit), ridged gourd (fruits), taro (boiled corm slices), tea (plucked Assam shoots), watermelon (transport), yard-long bean (trivia))).
- 13 video clips (+6 since previous version (coconut (harvesting), khat (picking), oil palm (estate drive-by, transport), tea (picking)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 6 since previous version (banana (habit, sucker), durian (opened fruit), feijao (flower), tamarind (habit), rice/maize/groundnut (mixed cropping)).
- Major data additions: fig, garlic, grevillea, raffia.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 11 (= +0
since previous version. (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in place since version 2.12.)
- 323 crops (= +2 (kassod tree, sesban)).
- 1362 photos (= +23 since previous version (banana (young fruits), durian (fruits), feijoa (flower), fig (products), kassod tree (leaf, trunk), khat (harvesting), plantain (Pisang Abu fruit bunch), raffia palm (fruit), ridged gourd (fruits), sesban (leaf, inflorescence, infructescence, seeds, stem, growth&development), tea (plucked shoots))).
- Slideshow: 1176 photos (= +4 since previous version (plantain, tea, raffia, sesban) ; 9 replaced (aubergine, banana, durian, fig, kangkong, khat, raffia, ridged gourd)).
- 49 species (= +3 since previous version (angel's trumpet, feijoa, golden trumpet)).
- ... photos (= +7 since previous version (angel's trumpet, canna, feijoa, golden trumpet, rose of China)).
- Slideshow: 99 photos (= +9 since previous version).
Version 2.30 (02dec2009)
- 4523 graphics (= +46 since previous version).
- Error corrected:
Blue gum: in photo captions 'fruits' replaced by 'flower buds'.
Screen texts completed: 1744 (= +5 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836-1744 = 92).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 75 (= +1 ; still to go: 33).
- Oil Plants: Oil palm/fs: +photo.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/cv: text edited; ../fl: photo replaced ; Ginger/pc: +photo; ../ct: +text.
- Starch Plants: Plantain/us,fs: +photo ; Sago palm/cv,pc: text edited ; Yam/cv: + photo.
- Vegetables: Capsicum pepper/it,pc,gd,df: +text (-> texts completed); ../gr,ct,cv,yl: text edited; ../it,us,pt,ct,cv,yl,pc,hb,st,gd,df: +photo; ../it,fl: photo replaced.
- 550 photos (= +1 since previous version (sweet capsicum (flower)) ; replaced 2 (sweet capsicum pepper (fruit), plantain (fruit))).
- 3114 pictures (= +34 since previous version (asparagus (product), blue gum (trunk, flower buds), capsicum pepper - sweet (habit, stem, leaf, flower, fruit, growth, seedlings, cultivation, use, products), ginger (product), oil palm (kernels), Persian walnut (male and female inflorescence, leaves of other Juglans spp.), plantain (fruit, use), pomegranate (fruits), snake gourd (fruit, tendril), true aloe (leaves, product), winged yam (tubers), yam bean (tuber)).
- 7 video clips (+0 since previous version).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 5 since previous version (capsicum pepper (flower), Persian walnut (inflorescences), rambutan (habit), sagopalm (emptied half trunk), water chestnut (habit)).
- Major data additions: feijoa.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts: 11 (= +5
since previous version (capsicum pepper(sweet, hot), nigerseed, sesame, teff)). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- 321 crops (= +1 (water chestnut).
- 1339 photos (= +3 since previous version (capsicum pepper (flower), plantain (fruits), true aloe (leaves), water chestnut (habit)).
- Slideshow: 1172 photos (= +3 since previous version (true aloe, snake gourd, water chestnut); 4 replaced (capsicum pepper, plantain, true aloe, yam bean)).
- 46 species (= +0 since previous version).
- ... photos (= +0 since previous version).
- Slideshow: 90 photos (= +0 since previous version).
Version 2.29 (24may2009)
- 4477 graphics (= +99 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1739 (= +3 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1739 = 97).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 74 (= +1
; still to go: 34).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tea/fs: photo replaced. Tobacco/fs,st: +drawing;
../lf: +photo.
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea/fs: photo replaced.
- Fruits & Nuts: Melon/us: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Common bean/us,cv: +photo; ../pc: +text (-> texts completed). Faba bean/it,rt: +text; ../od: text replaced; ../pc,hb,st,gd: +photo.
- Spices: Nutmeg/us: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Finger millet/gr,ct: +photo. Potato/us: +photo.
- Vegetables: Cucumber/us,gr,ct,yl,pc,st,gd: +photo. Tomato/gd: +photo.
- 549 photos (= +3 since previous version (coffee (flower), date palm (fruit) -1, date palm (leaf) +1,
finger millet (habit), rubber tree/hevea (seeds)).
- 3080 pictures (= +73 since previous version (arabica coffee (botanical drawings),
artichoke (habit, inflorescences, trivia), betel nut (botanical drawings),
betel pepper (botanical drawings), cacao (botanical drawing), camphor tree (leaves, twig, botanical
drawings), carob (products), common bean (cultivars, use), common cabbage (young plant), cucumber (habit, tendrils, seedlings, cultivation, use, products, trivia), date palm (fruit bunches, leaves),
faba bean (field, habit, stem, seedlings, products), finger millet (field), guaran (botanical
drawings), hevea rubber (seeds), kola
nut (botanical drawings), langsat (leaves), lemon
(product), mat (botanical drawings), melon (fruit, use), nicotine tobacco (botanical drawings), patchouli (bot. drawings),
physic nut (historic botanical water-colour), potato (use), robusta coffee (botanical
drawings, kopi luwak),
tea (botanical drawings, seedling), tobacco (botanical drawings, seedling), tomato (seedlings, use),
tree tomato (fruiting branches), vetiver grass (botanical drawings))).
- 7 video clips (+0 since previous version).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 1 since previous version (faba bean (botanical drawing)).
- Major data additions: blue gum, camphor tree, date palm, faba bean, rauvolfia, sunnhemp, vanilla.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +0 since previous version). Full PROTA texts:
6 (= +1
since previous version (faba bean)). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- 320 crops (= +2 since previous version (jequirity, sulla).
- 1336 photos (= +3 since previous version (finger millet (field), hevea rubber seed replaced, jequirity
(use of seeds), lablab
- Slideshow: 1169 photos (= +4 since previous version (capsicum -1, hevea rubber +1,
jequirity +1, lablab +1, sulla +2)).
- 46 species (= +2 since previous version (date palm, oleander).
- ... photos (= +3 since previous version (artichoke, date palm, oleander)).
- Slideshow: 90 photos (= +3 since previous version).
Version 2.28 (12nov2008)
- 4378 graphics (= +96 since previous version).
- Error corrected:
CropTutor/Vegetables/Cucumber/df and ../Fruits & Nuts/Melon/df: dead link to photo of watermelon
leaf replaced.
Screen texts completed: 1736 (= +15 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1736 = 100).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 73 (= +2
; still to go: 35).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tobacco/pt: text added.
- Fruits & Nuts: Cashew/us,pt: +photo. Citrus/us: +photo. Grape/gr,ct,cv,pc,gd,df: +text
(-> texts completed); ../pt,hb: +photo.
Peach/us,gd: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Linseed/hb: +photo; ../fs: +photo. Sesame/us,ct,yl,hb,st,df: +photo;
../fl: photo replaced; ../df: +text.
- Protein Plants: Faba bean/us: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Amaranth/pc,fs: +photo; ../ct,cv,pc,st: +text (-> texts
completed). Sweet potato/us: +photo. Taro/pt: +photo.
- Vegetables: Amaranth/st,rt,gd: +text; ../fl,gd: +photo. Bitter gourd/it,ct:
+text; ../ct: +photo.
- 546 photos (= +1 since previous version (amaranth (habit))). 2 photos replaced
(sesame (flower by habit, flowering top by harvested plants)).
- 3007 pictures (= +59 since previous version (amaranth - grain (seed, product, ornamental),
amaranth - leaf (seedlings, habit), bitter gourd (cultivation), bottle gourd (habit, leaf,
uses), calabash tree (fruit (in: bottle gourd)), cashew
(packings, jam), coca (cultural aspect). faba bean (use). garden beet (harvested (in: spinach beet)), grape
(habit, infructescence, seedling, cv. difference, machine-harvest, uses), guaran (products), licorice (habit, leaf,
infructescence), linseed (fruits, flax storage), peach (young fruits, use), pecan nut (leaf, stem, product),
Persian walnut (very young fruit, nuts as sold), pummelo (fruit, jam), rice
(bran oil), sesame (field, habit, dry fuits, seeds, harvested plants, product), sheabutter (product), sweet potato (leaves as vegetable), taro (packed cormels))).
- 7 video clips (+0 since previous version).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 1 (pecan (nut/product)).
- Major data additions: licorice, linseed, opium poppy, pecan nut.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +0 since previous
version). Full PROTA texts: 5 (= +0
since previous version). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- On page 'Cultivation1' , the fields 'Seeding density', 'Planting density' and
'Replanting / gapping in' removed because of limited informative and identifying
value. Data, if any, transferred to field 'Seeding / planting place and pattern
- 318 crops (= +4 since previous version (licorice, linseed, pecan nut, white mulberry).
- 1333 photos (= +25 since previous version (cacao -1, coca -1, grape +1, licorice +3, linseed +2, loquat
+2, pecan nut
+4, Persian walnut +2, sesame +2, sponge gourd +4, white lupin +2, white mulberry +5)).
- Slideshow: 1165 photos (= +9 since previous version).
- 44 species (= +0 since previous version).
- ... photos (= +3 since previous version (cannon ball tree, bougainvillea)).
- Slideshow: 87 photos (= +2 since previous version).
Version 2.27 (24may2008)
- 4282 graphics (= +57 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1721 (= +5 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1721 = 115).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 71 (= +1
; still to go: 37).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tobacco/us: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Pineapple/fl: +photo. Watermelon/it,lf,fs,df: photo replaced.
- Oil Plants: Olive/fs: photo replaced.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/it,ct,pc: +text.
- Starch Plants: Finger millet/lf,gd: +photo. Sago palm/gr,rt: +photo;
../cv,us: photo replaced. Wheat/cv,pc,fl,gd,df: +photo; ../us: photo replaced; ../fl:
featured photo; ../pc +text (-> texts completed).
- Vegetables: Capsicum pepper/ct: +text ; ../it,us,cv,hb,fl,fs: text revised ;
../fl,fs: photo replaced. Onion/us,fs: +photo.
- 545 photos (= +1 since previous version (barley (fruit)). 2 photos replaced (oil
palm (fruit) by olive (fruit); watermelon
- Main entry 'Kat' renamed into 'Khat'.
- 2948 pictures (= +48 since previous version (aerial yam (leaf and bulbils), barley
(ears), bottle
gourd (uses), camphor tree (branch), date palm (plantation,
product), finger millet (leaves, seedling), fonio (field), khat (shoots, use), longan (fruiting tree),
nipa palm (stand, uses), onion (seed, use), physic nut (seed), pineapple
(flower, cultivation), sago palm (pneumatophores, by-product),
tobacco (product), watermelon (habit), wheat (field, infructescence, spikelet,
products), ylang-ylang (inflorescence, fruit, leaf,
- 7 video clips (+0 since previous version).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 8 (olive (infructescence), sago palm (variety, felling by axe, thatch,
papeda), watermelon
(leaf, fruit, market)).
- Major data additions: date palm, patchouli.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +0 since previous
version). Full PROTA texts: 5 (= +0 since
previous version). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- 314 crops (= +1 since previous version (ylang-ylang).
- Slideshow: 1156 photos (= +7 since previous version).
- 44 species (= +0 since previous version).
- Slideshow: 85 photos (= +0 since previous version).
Version 2.26 (07feb2008)
- 4225 graphics (= +44 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1716 (= +3 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1716 = 120).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 70 (= +1
; still to go: 38).
- Fibre Plants: Jute/fl: photo replaced.
- Fruits & Nuts: Watermelon/od: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Rice/fl: photo replaced. Yams/pt: +photo.
- Vegetables: Aubergine/fr: +photo. Cucumber/pt,pc,gd: +text (-> texts completed). Tomato/us: +photo.
- 544 photos (= +1 since previous version (jute (flower)). 1 photo replaced (rice
- Main entry 'Hungry rice' renamed into 'Fonio'.
- 2900 pictures (= +29 since previous version (aubergine (fruit, other species), date
(use/fruit), groundnut (Inca peanut (habit, fruit, seed)), jute - tossa
(inflorescence), litchi (product), longan (leaf, product), pepper
(Nepal pepper), physic nut (hedge, inflorescence, infructescence), rice (African
rice, Nerica), tomato
(post-harvest, fruit of bitter tomato), white Guinea yam (tubers)).
- 7 video clips (+4 since previous version (cotton (picking), groundnut (manual
harvesting), rice (manual threshing, manual milling)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 3 (rice (inflorecence), sago palm (gaba2 drying, thatch)).
- Major data additions: aerial yam, white guinea yam, sugar sorghum.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 226 (= +1 since previous
version). Full PROTA texts: 5 (= +2 (fonio, Guinea
yam). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- 313 crops (= +3 since previous version (African rice, Inca peanut, Nepal pepper).
- Slideshow: 1149 photos (= +15 since previous version).
- 44 species (= +0 since previous version ).
- Slideshow: 85 photos (= +0 since previous version).
Version 2.25 (tue02oct2007)
- 4181 graphics (= +69 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1713 (= +3 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1713 = 123).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 69 (= +1
; still to go: 39).
- Fibre Plants: Sisal/us: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Avocado/hb: +photo. Citrus/pt: +photo. Pineapple/us,cv,yl,pc: +photo;
../ct: photo replaced. Sweet almond/od,gr: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Soya bean/pc: +text (-> texts completed); ../us,pc: +photo.
- Spices: Turmeric/fl: +drawing; ../df: +photos; ../st: text revised.
- Starch Plants: Cassava/pc: +photos; ../lf: photo replaced. Plantain/it,ct: +text. Sago palm/fr: photos upgraded.
- 543 photos (= +3 since previous version (avocado (habit), breadfruit
(inflorescence), coca (habit)). 3 photos replaced
(avocado (fruit), cassava (stem), sago palm (fruit)).
- 2871 pictures (= +53 since previous version (asparagus
(habit, rhizome), avocado (habit, fruit). bottle gourd (fruits, uses),
breadfruit (male inflorescence), broccoli (inflorescence), cassava
(inflorescence, tubers, processing), coca (habit, fruits,
usage), durian (marketing), jackfruit
(fruit of relatated marang), java citronella (botanical drawings), lime (fruit
marketing), pineapple (field, fruits, product, supply),
rambutan (fruits of related pulasan), sago palm (trunk pith sample,
inflorescence, infructescence, young
fruits), sisal (use), sugarcane (field, shoot, product), sweet
almond (field), turmeric (inflorescence), winged bean (marketing, seeds of
related psopho), ylang-ylang (botanical drawings, use))).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 7 (cape gooseberry (fruits), cassava (stem), sago palm (fruits), ylang-ylang (leaves,
flowers, fruits)).
- Major data additions: plantain, turmeric.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 225 (= +0 since previous
version). Full PROTA texts: 3 (= +0 [crop]. (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- 310 crops (= +7 since previous version (bambangan, Brunei cherry, bottle gourd,
kembayau, marang, pulasan, santol).
- Slideshow: 1134 photos (= +22 since previous version).
- 44 species (= +0 since previous version).
- Slideshow: 85 photos (= +0 since previous version).
Version 2.24 (fri13apr2007)
- 4112 graphics (= +51 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1710 (= +9 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1710 = 126).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 68 (= +5
; still to go: 40).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Cacao/it: +text (-> texts completed); ../us: +photo.
Tobacco/it,gd: +text (-> texts completed).
- Fruits & Nuts: Mango/pc: +text (-> texts completed). Pistachio:
background photo replaced/added; ../fs:
- Spices: Garlic/cv: +photo. Nutmeg/gd,df: +photos; ../ct,df: +text (-> texts completed).
- Starch Plants: Tannia/pt,cv: +photo; ../lf: photo replaced; ../ct,pc,gd: +text
(-> texts completed). Wheat/us: +photo.
- Vegetables: Yard-long bean/us,ct,cv,hb,fr,st: +photo,drw.
- 540 photos (= +1 since previous version (garlic: bulbs). 3 photos replaced
(tannia (habit), yard-long bean (habit, fruit)).
- 2818 pictures (= +39 since previous version (arabica coffee (fruits of forma
xanthocarpa). Brussels sprouts (use), cacao (use), carob (stem), chicory (use),
cotton - upland (open boll), garlic (harvested product), leucaena (flowering and fruiting branch (drawing)), lemon (use),
musk pumpkin (botanical drawing, fruits), nutmeg (fruit,seedlings,candied husk in syrup), pistachio (seeds), sisal (use of tampico fibre), tannia (habit,leaf,tubers,corm), wax gourd (leaf,flower),
wheat (products), yard-long bean (flower,fruit,habit,field,young fruit), zucchini (fruits)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 3 (asparagus (product (white)), yard-long bean (fruits, drawing)), (with Ted Felix' Kodak
Photo CD lost-highlights fix:) 1 (groundnut (harvested plant)).
- Major data additions: tannia, wax gourd.
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 225 (= +1 since previous
version). Full PROTA texts: 3 (= +1 (khat). (Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- Separate subject background text (PROSEA/PROTA) - accessed through right-click
on Subject Menu bar - completed for Uses.
- Field "Budding" on page "Cultivation2" removed, its contents included in field
"Pruning", as bud pruning was meant, and not bud grafting.
- 303 crops (= +2 since previous version (asparagus, laurel).
- Slideshow: 1112 photos (= +13 since previous version).
- 44 species (= +1 since previous version (talipot palm))
- Slideshow: 85 photos (= +1 since previous version).
Version 2.23 (tue19dec2006)
- 4061 graphics (= +74 since previous version).
- Permission obtained to include material from PROTA
publications in TropCrop.
Screen texts completed: 1701 (= +7 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1701 = 135).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 63 (= +2
; still to go: 45).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Coffee/us,pc: +photo.
- Fibre Plants: Roselle/fs: +features, +text; ../st: +text.
- Fruits & Nuts: Peach/fs: +photos. Pineapple/pt: +photo; ../fs: photo replaced. Pistachio/us,pc: +photo.
Watermelon/ct,hb,fl,st,gd: photo replaced.
- Oil Plants: Castor/ct,cv,pc: +text (-> texts completed); ../df: +photos. Coconut palm/us,gd: +photo. Oil palm/cv,pc,fs: text adapted. Sesame/us: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Cowpea/lf,gd: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Pearl millet/pt,ct,fr: +photo; ../df: text improved.
- Vegetables: Cucumber/us: +photo. Okra/pc,st,rt,gd,df: +text (-> texts
completed); ../df: +photos.
- 539 photos (= +1/-1 since previous version (kola nut: seed). 4 photos replaced
(mandarin (fruit), pineapple (fruit)watermelon (habit, flower)).
- 2779 pictures (= +49 since previous version (bambara groundnut, cape gooseberry, cassava, coconut,
cucumber, kohlrabi, kola nut, mandarin, peach, pearl millet, pineapple, pistachio,
potato, sesame, sheabutter, watermelon).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 8 (cape gooseberry (young fruit, flower),
mandarin (fruit), sheabutter (habit), watermelon (habit, flower)).
- Major data additions: palmyra palm, pearl millet, roselle, sheabutter,
- Crops covered by full background reference text: 224 (= +1 since previous
version). Full PROTA texts: 2 (= +2 (roselle - vegetable-type, sheabutter)).
(Full PROSEA texts for 223 crops already in
place since version 2.12.)
- 301 crops (= +4 since previous version (calliandra, kafir potato, saba, ulluco).
- Slideshow: 1099 photos (= +23 since previous version).
- 43 species (= +0 since previous version)
- Slideshow: 84 photos (= +1 since previous version).
Version 2.22 (thu10aug2006)
- 3987 graphics (= +39 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1694 (= +11 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1694 = 142).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 61 (= +4
; still to go: 47).
- Auxiliary Plants: Calopo/df: +text,+photo. Centro/it,df: +text; ../df: +photo. Tropical kudzu/it,gd,df: +text;
../df: +photo.
- Beverages & Stimulants: Cacao/fl: photo replaced; ../fr,st: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Avocado/cv: +text. Orange/cv: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Rapeseed/lf,fs: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Lentil/it: +text; ../fs: +photo.
- Spices: Clove/pc: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Taro/cv,st: +photo; ../lf: photo replaced; ../ct,gd: +text.
- Vegetables: Kangkong/us: +photo.
- 539 photos (= +1 since previous version (taro: flower). 5 photos replaced (cacao: flower,fruit ; lentil: habit->fruit
; orange: fruit ; taro: cultivation->corms).
- 2730 pictures (= +33 since previous version (cacao, clove, jackfruit (chempedak), kaki
(black sapote, mabolo), kangkong, lentil, orange, pea, pepper (Peruvian pepper
tree), rapeseed, sapodilla,
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: 2 (avocado, cacao), (with Ted Felix' Kodak
Photo CD lost-highlights fix:) orange.
- Major data additions: taro.
- 297 crops (= +5 since previous version (black sapote, chempedak, lentil, sawah lettuce,
Peruvian pepper tree).
- Slideshow: 1076 photos (= +14 since previous version).
- 43 species (= +1 since previous version (cup of gold vine))
- Slideshow: 83 photos (= +1 since previous version).
Version 2.21 (tue02may2006)
- 3948 graphics (= +86 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1683 (= +36 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1683 = 153).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 57 (= +5
; still to go: 51).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Cacao/ct: +text. Tea/it,ct,pc,st: +text (-> texts completed).
- Oil Plants: Groundnut/us: +photo. Indian mustard/fs: +photos. Olive/cv,gd,df: +text. Rapeseed/fs: +drawing;
../us,pc: +photo. Safflower/gd: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Common bean/lf,df: +text, +photo; ../us,df: +photo. Lima
bean/df: +text. Mung bean/it,ct,pc,st: +text (-> texts completed); ../pc,gd:
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/pt: +photo. Vanilla/pc: +text, photo replaced; ../yl:
- Starch Plants: Taro/pc: +text.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/st: +drawing; ../gd,df: +photos; ../gr,ct,cv,df: +text
(-> texts completed).
- Vegetables: Amaranth/df: +text. Bitter gourd/df: +text. Cucumber/df: +text, +photos.
Kangkong/df: +text. Okra/pc: +photo; ../it: +text. Tomato/gr,pc,st,gd,df: +text (-> texts completed); ../pc: +photo. Yard-long bean/it,pt,ct,pc,st,rt,gd,df: +text (-> texts
completed); ../df: +photos.
- 539 photos (= +2 since previous version (common bean leaf, Indian mustard fruit)). 3 photos replaced (cardamom habit,
cardamom fruit, safflower flower).
- 2697 pictures (= +45 since previous version (beet (sugar beet, spinach beet),
capsicum pepper, cardamom, common bean, cotton - upland, groundnut, hemp, hevea
Indian mustard, kohlrabi, mat , mung bean, neem, okra, rapeseed (B. napus), safflower, strawberry, sugar
beet, vanilla, yard-long bean)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: hemp, vanilla.
- Major data additions: vetiver grass.
- 292 crops (= +2 since previous version (gum arabic, Mexican hawthorn a.k.a. tejocote).
- Slideshow: 1062 photos (= +14 since previous version).
- 42 species (= +4 since previous version (bloodflower milkweed, fishtail palm, peacock flower,
yellow oleander))
- Slideshow: 82 photos (= +6 since previous version).
Version 2.20 (fri17feb2006)
- 3862 graphics (= +112 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1646 (= +48 since previous version; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1646 = 190).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 52 (= +5
; still to go: 56).
- Auxiliary Plants: Calopo/ct,cv,st: +text; ../it: drawing upgraded.
Centro/st,rt: +text. Greville/ct,cv: +text. Tephrosia/intro,cv,yl,st,gd,df: +text; ../fs,df: +photo (T.
vogelii included in this crop module).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tea/fl: photo upgraded.
- Fruits & Nuts: Cashew/hb: photo replaced. Pineapple/od,pt: text updated.
- Oil Plants: Indian mustard/df: +photo; ../gd: photo replaced; ../us: +drawing; ../pt,gr,ct,pc,lf,fl,st,rt,gd,df: +text
(-> texts completed).
Rapeseed/gr,ct,pc,gd,df: +text (-> texts completed). Sesame/us,lf,gd: +photo; ../it,hb: photo upgraded; ../it,us,pc,ct,gd: +text
(-> texts completed).
- Protein Plants: Mung bean/intro: photo upgraded. Pigeon pea/us: +photo.
- Spices: Mustard/od,gr,ct,cv,yl,st,rt,gd,df: +text (-> texts completed); ../us,fs,gd: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Foxtail millet/pt,ct,rt,df: +text. Potato/ct,pc,gd: +text (-> texts completed). Sorghum/cv: +text, +photos.
Wheat/pt.yl: text updated; ../gd,df: +text.
- Vegetables: Carrot/od: +photo. Kangkong/uses: text improved.
- 537 photos (= +8 since previous version). 3 photos replaced (coca flower, garlic
bulbs, pigeon pea fruit).
- 2650 pictures (= +54 since previous version (asparagus, black mustard, Brazil nut, carrot, chayote,
cinchona, coca, durian,
garlic, groundnut, guava, guinea grass, Indian mustard, kohlrabi, leek, mangosteen, mung bean, passionfruit,
pigeon pea, sapodilla,
sesame, spinach beet, stylo, teff, tephrosia)).
- Pictures upgraded/replaced: cashew, coca, garlic, mung bean, sapodilla, (with Ted Felix' Kodak
Photo CD lost-highlights fix:) passionfruit, sesame, tea.
- Major data additions: fenugreek, sapodilla, sesame, sorghum, tephrosia.
- Entry "Quinine" changed into "Cinchona".
NEW:- Major overhaul of Ecophysiology
pages: Fields 'Tolerated
intensity range', 'Relative air humidity' and 'Micronutrients ...' removed because of limited
informative and identifying value. Data, if any, transferred to field
'Other ecophysiological characteristics'. Field 'Shade requirements' replaced by
'Shade tolerance (relative) (low, high). Field 'Drought tolerance (months)'
replaced by 'Drought tolerance (relative) (low, high)'. Field 'Flooding
tolerance (months)' replaced by 'Waterlogging tolerance (low, high)' and moved
from moisture characteristics to soil characteristics. Field
'Tolerated pH range' replaced by fields 'pH range - tolerated' and '- optimal'.
Fields 'Frost tolerance (none, some)' and 'Salinity tolerance (relative) (low,
high) added. Open fields 'Nutrient requirements - N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S' replaced
by preset choice fields (low, high).
- Fields added to Growth page: 'Time to emergence after sowing' and 'Time to
emergence after planting'.
- 290 crops (= +4 since previous version (canarium nut (Canarium indicum), garlic, Indian
mustard, sweet annie
(Artemisia annua)).
- Slideshow: 1048 photos (= +15 since previous version).
- 38 species (= +12 since previous version (bottle brush, calla lily, canna, frangipani, lantana, lipstick palm, passionfruit,
poinsettia, royal palm, shrimp plant, spider
lily, traveler's tree))
- Slideshow: 74 photos (= +28 since previous version). 1 photo replaced (Chinese
Version 2.19 (wed27jul2005)
- 3750 graphics (= +84 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1598 (= +6 ; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1598 = 238).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 47 (= +3
; still to go: 61).
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea/gr,cv: text improved.
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/pt: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Papaya/rt: +text.
- Oil Plants: Safflower/it,pt: +text (-> texts completed); ../lf: +photo.
- Spices: Parsley/us,cv,rt: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Cassava/pc: +text. Common millet/rt: +text. Sorghum/us: +photo.
Sweet potato/cv,rt: +photo; ../us,pc,rt,gd: +text (-> texts completed).
Yam/pc: +text (-> texts completed); ../st: +photos.
- Vegetables: Jute/pc: +photo, +text. Tomato/yl,gd: +photo; ../fl: +photo
features; ../rt: +text.
- 529 photos (= +0 since previous version).
- redundant safflower flower replaced by missing safflower leaf.
- 2596 pictures (= +60 since previous version).
- Pictures added: betel nut, carob, cashew, cotton - upland, date palm, hemp,
jackfruit, parsley (turnip-rooted), Persian walnut, pummelo, rice, roselle
(vegetable type), safflower, sago palm, sorghum, sweet potato, tea, teff,
tomato, tossa jute, white Guinea yam (yellow Guinea yam).
- Pictures upgraded: carob, date palm, hemp.
- Major data additions: hemp, teff.
- 286 crops (= +4 (citron, prickly pear, teff, yellow Guinea yam)).
- Slideshow: 1033 photos (= +29 since previous version).
- 26 species (= +3 (Chinese lantern a.k.a. fringed hibiscus, flamboyant, saman
a.k.a. rain tree))
- Slideshow: 46 photos (= +5 since previous version).
Version 2.18 (mon28mar2005)
- 3666 graphics (= +42 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1592 (= +9 ; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1592 = 244).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 44 (= +2
; still to go: 64).
- Fruits & Nuts: Avocado/it,ct,pc,st,rt,df: +text (-> texts completed);
../df: +photos. Citrus/ct,rt,gd: +text (-> texts completed).
Melon/it,pt,ct,cv,hb,lf,fs: +photo. Pineapple/it: +text.
- Spices: Cardamom/cv: +drawing.
- Starch Plants: Barley/yl,pc,ct: +photo. Maize/us: +texts,+photos.
- 529 photos (= +0 since previous version).
- 2536 pictures (= +29 since previous version).
- Pictures added: arabica coffee, barley, cape gooseberry, cardamom, chayote,
date palm, durian, maize, melon, tamarind.
- Pictures upgraded: chayote.
- Major data additions: chayote, tamarind.
- 282 crops (= +2 (cork oak, melon)).
- Slideshow: 1004 photos (= +9 since previous version).
- 23 species (= +4 (bougainvillea, coral tree, heliconia, rose of China))
- Slideshow: 41 photos (= +2 since previous version).
Version 2.17 (thu10feb2005)
- 3624 graphics (= +72 since previous version).
- Error corrected:
CropTutor/Starch plants/Breadfrit/intro: "breadfruit (seeded),
breadnut (seedless)" should be "breadfruit (seedless), breadnut
Screen texts completed: 1583 (= +27 ; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1583 = 253).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 42 (= +2
; still to go: 66).
- Auxiliary Plants: Calopo/lf: +drawing; ../rt: +text. Centro/fl: photo
upgraded; ../st: drawing replaced. Crotalaria/lf: photo replaced by
drawing. Grevillea/fs: +drawing. Tropical kudzu/ct,cv: +text.
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tea/rt: +text.
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/pc: photo upgraded, +sec.text.
- Oil Plants: Castor/it,us: +text; ../us: +photo. Coconut/us: +photo. Oil
palm/fl: text and photo replaced.
- Protein Plants: Common bean/lf,st,rt,gd: +text. Lentil/rt: +text. Lima
bean/hb: drawing upgraded. Mung bean/rt: +text; ../lf: drawing upgraded.
- Spices: Vanilla/ct: photo cutting replaced; ../df: +photo.
- Starch Plants: Amaranth/gr,gd: +text. Barley: all 17 text screens completed.
Cassava: all 17 text screens completed; ../us,df: +photos. Pearl
millet/ct,lf,df: +photo ; ../ct,rt,df: +text. Plantain/us: +photo.
Quinoa/gr,ct,cv: +text.
- Vegetables: Lettuce/fl: +photo.
- 529 photos (= +3 since previous version). 2 photos on rattan replaced.
- 2507 pictures (= +55 since previous version).
- Pictures added: bambara groundnut, calopo, carrot, cassava, castor, centro,
coconut, crotalaria, grevillea, jojoba, kapok, langsat, leek, lettuce, Lima
bean, mangosteen, neem tree, oil palm, pearl millet, plantain, rattan,
rauvolfia, vanilla, winged bean.
- Pictures upgraded: asparagus, bambara groundnut, cotton, mung bean, physic
nut, pigeon pea, rattan, vanilla, winged bean.
- Major data additions: calopo.
- 280 crops (= +0 (...)).
- Slideshow: 995 photos (= +17 since previous version).
- 19 species (= +2 (castor (red variety), kniphofia))
- Slideshow: 39 photos (= +2 since previous version).
Version 2.16 (fri01oct2004)
- 3552 graphics (= +121 since previous version).
- Error corrected:
CropTutor/Protein plants/Lentil/growth requirements: "Tropical
lowlands;" should be "Tropical highlands,".
Screen texts completed: 1556 (= +75 ; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1556 = 280).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 40 (= +6
; still to go: 68).
- Auxiliary Plants: Calopo/pc: +text. Centro/yl,pc: +text. Flemingia\it,yl,pc:
+text. Grevillea/it,us,yl,pc: +text; ../df: +photo. Leucaena/cv,yl: +text.
Tephrosia/pc,rt: +text. Tropical kudzu/pc,yl,st: +text.
- Beverages & Stimulants: Coffee/pt: text updated. Tea/st: +photo.
- Elastomer Plants: Hevea rubber: all 17 text screens completed.
- Fruits & Nuts: Almond/yl: +text. Cashew/yl,fl: +photo; all 17 text screens
completed. Pistachio/pt: text updated.
- Oil Plants: Rapeseed/it,od,pt,cv,yl: +text. Sesame/pt,yl: +text.
- Protein Plants: Cowpea: all 17 text screens completed; ../pt,ct,hb,fl,fs,df:
+photo. Faba bean/fl: +photos. Mung bean/pt: +text.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/ct: +photo. Cinnamon/pc: +photo. Garlic/gd: +photo.
Nutmeg/it,od,yl,st,rt: +text. Parsley: all 17 text screens completed; ../us:
- Starch Plants: Amaranth/df: +text,+photos. Plantain/us,pt,yl: +text.
Potato/pt: +text. Sorghum/pt,df: +text. Quinoa/pt,df: +text; ../df: +photos.
Yam/yl: +text.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/hb,fl,gd: +photos; ../pt,yl,gd: +text.
- Vegetables: Aubergine: all 17 text screens completed ;
../pt,ct,cv,hb,lf,gd,df: +photo. Carrot: all 17 text screens completed; ../df:
+photos. Lettuce/pt,yl: +text. Pak-choi/ct,cv,hb: +photo.
- 526 photos (= +5 since previous version).
- 250 crops (= -1 since previous version: Indian colza and Indian rape merged to 'Rapeseed (B. rapa)'
- 2452 pictures (= +85 since previous version).
- Pictures added: aubergine, camphor, capsicum pepper, cashew, cassia,
cauliflower, chicory, coconut, cowpea, faba bean, garlic, kale, kapok, leek,
lemon, mat , nipa palm, opium poppy, orange, pak-choi, pea, rose periwinkle,
sago palm, soursop, sugar beet, tea.
- Pictures upgraded: breadfruit, lemon, pak-choi, sago palm.
- Major data additions: aubergine, carrot, kapok.
- Subject Nomenclature: field 'Trade names' removed because of limited
informative and identifying value. Data, if any, transferred to fields
'Vernacular name - other', 'Other subdivisions', or 'Other information on
- Entry "Collard" replaced by entry "Kales" to contain all
cultivar groups of Brassica oleracea var. acephala.
- 280 crops (= +6 (apricot, butterfly pea, kiwano, opium poppy, pak-choi, pea)).
- Slideshow: 978 photos (= +40 since previous version).
- 17 species (= +3 (butterfly pea, victoria water lily, white tephrosia))
- Slideshow: 37 photos (= +3 since previous version).
Version 2.15 (wed05may2004)
- 3431 graphics (= +62 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1481 (= +30 ; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens = 1836
- 1481 = 355).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 34 (= +4
; still to go: 74).
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/ct,yl,pc,gd: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Soya bean/lf,st: +photo.
- Protein Plants: Pigeon pea: all 17 text screens completed; ../fl: +photos.
Soya bean/lf,st: +photo.
- Spices: Cinnamon: all 17 text screens completed; ../fr: +drawing; ../st:
+photo; /rt: +text. Pepper/gd: photos upgraded. Turmeric: all 17 text screens
- Starch Plants: Rice/pt,cv: +text. Yam/st,gd: +text, +photo.
- Vegetables: Common cabbage: all 17 text screens completed; /it: + photos.
Lettuce/cv: +drawings. Onion/od,pt,gr,yl,gd,df: +text.
- 521 photos (= +2 since previous version).
- 2367 pictures (= +32 since previous version).
- Pictures added: aerial yam, cassia, chicory, cinnamon, cluster yam, neem,
onion, orange, pepper, pigeon pea, soya bean, winged yam.
- Major data additions: cassia.
- 274 crops (= +0).
- Slideshow: 938 photos (= +18 since previous version).
NEW: TropicOrn,
an annex to CropPix especially for ornamentals. 14 species, of which unique to
TropicOrn (not featuring in other modules) 8: cannon ball tree, chaconia,
gladiolus, hypericum, jacaranda, protea, rose, strelitzia.
Version 2.14 (thu04mar2004)
- 3369 graphics (= +167 since previous version).
- Error corrected:
CropTutor/Vegetables/Pumpkins & Squashes/cultivation:
"grafting" should be "cuttings".
Screen texts completed: 1451 (= +173 ; still to go: 108 crops x 17 screens =
1836 - 1451 = 385).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 30 (= +4
; still to go: 78).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: ALL 108! (= +6 ; still to go: 0!).
- Auxiliary Plants: Centro/fr,gd: +photo. Grevillea/fl: +photo; ../df:
+text,+photo. Flemingia/df: +text.
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tea/us: +photo. Tobacco/ct,rt: +text; ../ct,pc,gd:
- Elastomer Plants: Guayule/od,pt,gr,ct,cv,yl,pc,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: +text.
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/it: drawings upgraded. Roselle/it,hb,fr: photo upgraded.
Sisal/fs: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/pt: + photo. Grape/st,rt: +text. Mango/gd: +photo.
Melon/all: texts completed. Orange/ct: +photo. Peach/pt: +photo. Pineapple/pt:
+photo. Pistachio/us,od,pt,ct,yl,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt,gd,df: +text; ../fl,df:
+photo. Sweet almond/od,pt,pc,hb,fl,st,rt,df: +text; ../fl: photo replaced.
Watermelon/all: texts completed; ../it,cv,ct,pc,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,gd,df: +photo.
- Oil Plants: Linseed: all screens +text. Olive/pt,yl,pc: +text; ../od: text
replaced. Safflower/pc: +text.
- Spices: Mustard/lf,fl,fs: +text.
- Starch Plants: Barley/it: photo replaced. Maize/od: text updated.
Quinoa/od,gd: +photo.
- Vegetables: Gourd removed as separate entry and included in Pumpkins &
Squashes; ../ct,hb,fl: +photo; ../all: texts completed. Basella/yl,df: +text.
Common cabbage/pt,ct,lf,gd: +photo;../st: +drawing; ../us,ct,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt:
+text. Jute/rt: +text. Onion/pt,yl: +photo. Yard-long bean/yl: +text.
- 519 photos (= +10 since previous version).
- 2335 pictures (= +101 since previous version).
- Pictures added: barley, centro, common cabbage, Congo jute, cotton - upland,
cotton - sea island, crambe, grevillea, guayule, hazelnut, Indian kapok, jojoba,
jute - tossa, kapok, kenaf, lemon, lime, linseed, litchi, mandarin, Manila hemp,
mango, onion, orange, peach, Persian walnut, pineapple, pistachio, quinoa,
raffia, ramie, roselle, sapodilla, sisal, tea, tobacco, vanilla, watermelon,
- Pictures upgraded: sisal, spinach beet, watermelon.
- Major data additions: Congo jute, grevillea, physic nut, pistachio, rapeseed,
sweet almond.
- Entry "Mammoth squash" replaced by entry "Mammoth squash
a.o." to contain all cultivars of Cucurbita maxima.
- Entry "Cushaw" replaced by entry "Cushaw a.o." to contain
all cultivars of Cucurbita argyrosperma (= C. mixta).
- Entry "Musk pumpkin" replaced by entry "Musk pumpkins" to
contain all cultivars of Cucurbita moschata.
- Entry "Gourd" replaced by entry "Zucchini a.o." to contain
all cultivars of Cucurbita pepo.
- 274 crops (= +5 (centro, onion, flemingia, rape (vegetable), spinach beet).
- Slideshow: 920 photos (= +40 since previous version).
- Error: 'jujube (Ziziphus zizyphus)' corrected into 'Indian jujube
a.k.a. ber (Ziziphus mauritiana)'
NEW: In the Slideshow all slides
are shown once (in randomized order) before they are shown a next time (in
re-randomized order). So the chance that you will see the same slide twice in a
short period of time has become very slim.
NEW: "Hey, what was
that?": 3-slides-track-back feature added to Slideshow.
Version 2.13 (thu02oct2003)
- 3202 graphics (= +80 since previous version).
- Error corrected:
CropTutor/Starch crops/Taro/it: "malanga (de)" should be
"malanga, amp (es).
Screen texts completed: 1280 (= +33 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1280 = 573).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 26 (= +2
; still to go: 83).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 102 (= +2 ; still to go: 7).
- Fibre Plants: Jute/gd: +photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Macadamia/us,fl,st: +photo. Papaya/ct,yl,df: +text.
- Oil Plants: Safflower/ct,yl,fs,df: +text. Nigerseed: text completed; ../lf:
- Protein Plants: Common bean/fl,cv,yl,gd: +photo; ../ct: photo replaced.
- Spices: Ginger/ct,yl,gd: +photo; ../us,fl,st: pictures replaced; ../yl: +text.
Mustard/us,pt,pc,hb: +text. Parsley/fl,fs: +drawing; ../us,cv,fs: +text.
Pepper/fl: +photo. Nutmeg/fs: +photo, text changed.
- Starch Plants: Buckwheat: text completed; ../it,hb: photo replaced; ../ct:
+photo. Sago palm/us: +photo.
- 509 photos (= +6 since previous version).
- 2234 pictures (= +68 since previous version).
- Pictures added: allspice, black mustard, buckwheat, carambola, cassia,
cinnamon, coconut, common bean, elephant grass, fenugreek, ginger, jackfruit,
jimsonweed, jojoba, macadamia, nigerseed, nipa palm, nutmeg, parsley, pepper,
rambutan, sago palm, tossa jute, tung, wax gourd.
- Pictures upgraded: nipa palm.
- Major data additions: jackfruit.
NEW: Subject Leaf: field 'Shape
smallest foliar element' subdivided into 'outline', 'apex', 'base' and 'margin'.
NEW: Subject Flower: data boxes
added to fields 'Number of petals...' and 'Number of sepals...' to allow
for range entry.
- Subject Stem: field 'Internode length' removed because of limited informative
and identifying value. Data, if any, transferred to field 'Other stem
- 269 crops (= +3 (African spider flower a.k.a. cat's whiskers (Cleome
gynandra), caisin (Brassica rapa cv. group Caisin), sweet cherry)).
- Slideshow: 880 photos (= +31).
Version 2.12 (sun29jun2003)
- 3122 graphics (= +138 since previous version).
- Errors corrected:
1. CROPPIX: Kuwini (Mangifera odorata) should be Bachang (Mangifera
2. MMDB-TC/Strawberry, photo caption: 'Caramosa' should be
Screen texts completed: 1247 (= +42 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1247 = 606).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 24 (= +6
; still to go: 85).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 100 (= +3 ; still to go: 9).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Cacao/pt: photo replaced. Tea/us,fs,df: + photo.
- Fibre Plants: Jute/pc: text completed; ../rt,gd: + text.
Kenaf/it,ct,pc,rt,gd: text completed. Roselle/it,ct,pc,gd: text completed;
../rt: + text. Sisal/pt: text updated; ../ct,cv,rt: text completed.
- Fruits & Nuts: Citrus/pt,hb,gd: + photo; ../cv: photo replaced.
Macadamia/lf,df: + photos; ../ct,fs,gd: + photo; ../fs: text corrected; ../:
text completed. Peach/us,ct,cv,hb,lf,fs,df: + photo; ../: text completed.
Pineapple/fs,gd,df: + text; ../st: text changed, + drawing. Pistachio/it,gr: +
text ; ../gr,ct,hb,lf,fl,st,gd: + photo.
- Oil Plants: Rapeseed/it: photo replaced; ../hb,fs: + photo;
../us,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: + text.
- Starch Plants: Barley/fs: photo upgraded. Potato/fs,df: + photos; ../df: +
text. Sago palm/hb: + photo.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/us,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: + text; ../fs: + photo.
- Vegetables: Bitter gourd/cv: + photo. Carrot/fs: + photo. Lettuce/fs: + photo.
Tomato/ct.lf: + photo; ../cv: + text.
- 503 photos (= +8 since previous version).
- 2166 pictures (= +98 since previous version).
- Pictures added: artichoke, asparagus, bitter gourd, carrot, cauliflower,
chicory, cowpea, grape, kola nut, lemon, lettuce, litchi, macadamia, oil palm,
olive, orange, palmyra palm, passionfruit, peach / nectarine, pineapple,
pistachio, potato, quinine, rapeseed, sago palm, salak palm, strawberry, sugar
beet, tea, tomato, yam bean.
- Pictures upgraded: barley, cacao, litchi, macadamia, salak palm, winged bean.
- Full PROSEA text background reference for
all crops in TropCrop of which PROSEA texts have been published: 223 crops out
of 251 (= +12 (including Congo jute, various cottons, Indian kapok, jute, kenaf,
linseed, raffia, sisal)). The PROSEA project was concluded in apr2003. In the
meantime its African sequel PROTA was
launched in 2000.
- Main common name entry for Pachyrhizus erosus changed from potato bean
to yam bean.
- 266 crops (= +8 (barrel medic, biriba, kasai, kava, mabolo, mundu, noni tree,
- Slideshow: 849 photos (= +51).
Version 2.11 (wed29jan2003)
- 2984 graphics (= +52 since previous version).
- Error corrections:
-- Chickpea in German should read Kichererbse i.s.o.
-- CropTutor/Spices/Coriander/fruit & seed: "Dry
seeds in close-up" should read "Dry fruits in close-up".
Screen texts completed: 1205 (= +0 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1205 = 648).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 18 (= +0
; still to go: 91).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 97 (= +0 ; still to go: 12).
- Auxiliary Plants: Leucaena/us: photo added.
- Beverages & Stimulants: Tobacco/ct,lf: photo added.
- Spices: Cardamom/pc,lf,fl,fs: photos added.
- Vegetables: Amaranth/cv: photo added. Pumpkin, squash:/od,cv: photos added.
- 495 photos (= +6 since previous version).
- 2068 pictures (= +31 since previous version).
- Pictures added: cardamom, cushaw, custard apple, durian, gourd, leaf amaranth,
leucaena, musk pumpkin, tobacco, waternut.
- Pictures upgraded: cardamom fruit, custard apple fruit and seedling, tamarind
- Full PROSEA text background reference: 211
crops (= +0 (....)). (223 of of MMMDB-TC's 251 crops will eventually be covered
by PROSEA texts.)
- 258 crops (= +3 (bamboo, galanga, leaf amaranth)).
- Slideshow: 798 photos (= +20).
Version 2.10 (tue10dec2002)
- 2932 graphics (= +122 since previous version).
- Error correction: In MMDB-TC the family name of fenugreek was spelled
Leguminosea i.s.o. Leguminosae, so that fenugreek did not show up in a search
for crops in that family.
Screen texts completed: 1205 (= +36 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1205 = 648).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 18 (= +1
; still to go: 91).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 97 (= +2 ; still to go: 12).
- Auxiliary Plants: Leucaena/us: photo added.
- Fibre Plants: Jute/fs: photos added.
- Fruits & Nuts: Grape/od,pt,yl,fl: text added; ../fl: photo added.
Pineapple/fl: photo replaced and added; ../gd: photo added.
- Oil Plants: Coconut/us,pc,rt: photo added; ../od: photo replaced; ../ct,yl,pc:
text added.
- Protein Plants: Common bean/ct: photo added; ../cv,hb: photo upgraded.
Lentil/pt,ct,yl,st,gd,df: text added; ../df: photos added. Faba
bean/us,od,pt,gr,pt,ct, cv,hb,lf,fl,fs,gd,df: text added; ../gr: photo added.
Lima bean/lf: photo added. Mung bean/fs,gd: photo added. Yard-long bean/lf:
photo added.
- Spices: Parsley/gr,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: text added.
- Starch Plants: Buckwheat/yl: text added. Cassava/yl,fl,fr,rt: photo replaced;
../fl,fr: photo added; ../fl: text corrected. Finger millet/us,ct,pc,rt: text
added; ../fl: photo added; ../it: photo upgraded. Plantain/us,ct,cv,fl,st,gd:
photo added; ../it,hb,fr: photo replaced. Potato/fl: text added. Quinoa/yl: text
added. Rice/hb: photo replaced. Tannia/lf: text added. Wheat/fs: text and photo
- Vegetables: Okra/gd: photo added.
- 489 photos (= +6 since previous version).
- Photos replaced: avocado flower, cassava flower, cassava fruit.
- 251 crops.
- 2037 pictures (= +76 since previous version).
- Pictures added: annatto, artichoke, avocado, cassava, cluster bean, coca,
coconut, common bean, faba bean, finger millet, grape, hazelnut, jimsonweed,
jute (tossa), leucaena, lima bean, litchi, mung bean, okra, plantain, pineapple,
rice, sorghum, soursop, stylo, upland cotton, wheat, yard-long bean.
- Pictures upgraded: cassava, finger millet, rice.
- Major data additions: cape gooseberry, coca, faba bean, fenugreek.
- Full PROSEA text background reference: 211
crops (= +0 (....)). (223 of of MMMDB-TC's 251 crops will eventually be covered
by PROSEA texts.)
- 255 crops (= +11 (elephant yam, golden shower, golden spoon, jimsonweed,
jujube, karanda, kuwini, oil pandan (Pandanus conoideus), shallot, sponge
gourd, stylo)).
- Slideshow: 778 photos (= +61).
Version 2.09 (sat06jul2002)
- 2810 graphics (= +63 since previous version).
Screen texts completed: 1173 (= +24 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1173 = 680).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 17 (= +1
; still to go: 92).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 95 (= +2 ; still to go: 14).
- Auxiliary Plants: Tropical kudzu/rt: text and photo added.
- Elastomer Plants: Guayule/us: text added.
- Fruits & Nuts: Grape/ct,st,gd: photo added.
- Protein Plants: Mung bean/ct: photo added.
- Spices: Coriander: text completed; ../lf,fl,fs,st,df: photo added.
- Starch Plants: Quinoa/ct,hb,fl,fs,st: photo added;
../it,us,od,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: text added.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/us,ct: photo added.
- Vegetables: Carrot/lf: photo added. Cucumber/fl: text updated, photo replaced;
../pt: photo added.
- 483 photos (= +4 since previous version).
- 1961 pictures (= +41 since previous version).
- Pictures added: Asparagus, Carrot, Chicory, Coriander, Cucumber, Grape,
Langsat, Linseed/Flax, Maize, Mung bean, Onion, Pigeon pea, Quinoa, Rose
periwinkle, Sugar beet, Tropical kudzu, True aloe, Wheat.
- Major data additions: Coriander.
- Full PROSEA text background reference: 211
crops (= +2 (Ipecac, Medicinal yams)). (223 of of MMMDB-TC's 251 crops will
eventually be covered by PROSEA texts.)
- 244 crops (= +7 (Cassie, Cucumber, Husk tomato, Mezcal agave, Sawtooth
coriander, Siratro, Whiteball acacia)).
- Slideshow: 717 photos (= +23).
Version 2.08 (fri03may2002)
- 2747 graphics (= +91 since previous version).
- All remaining 72 photos which were still in 256-colour gif format upgraded to
full-colour jpg format.
- Error corrections:
-- 1) Versions 2.07 gave faulty search results in MMDB-TC
when criteria that fitted the removed mushroom species (Champignon and Padi
straw mushroom) were searched for.
-- 2) Size indication on photo of cluster yam leaves
corrected from 5 cm to 10 cm.
Screen texts completed: 1149 (= +10 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1149 = 704).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 16 (= +0
; still to go: 93).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 93 (= +1 ; still to go: 16).
- Auxiliary Plants: Calopo/us: photo upgraded. Tropical kudzu/hb,fs,df: photos
upgraded; ../us: photo added. Crotalaria/it,us: photo upgraded; ../st: drawing
- Beverages & Stimulants: Cacao/fl: photo upgraded; ../fr: photo added.
Coffee/fl,fr,gd: photos upgraded.
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/it,lf: photo upgraded. Kenaf/pc,gd: photo upgraded.
Roselle/lf: photo upgraded; ../fl: photo added.
- Fruits & Nuts: Banana/ct,cv: photo upgraded. Mango/cv: photo upgraded.
Papaya/fl: photo upgraded. Watermelon/us,hb,lf,fr: photo added;
../us,od,gr,hb,fl,fs,st,rt: text added.
- Oil Plants: Groundnut/rt: photo added. Linseed/ct: photo added. Oil
palm/it,lf: photos upgraded; ../fl: photo added. Sunflower/us,if: photo added;
../pt: graphic added.
- Protein Plants: Groundnut/rt: photo added.
- Starch Plants: Plantain:/ct: photo upgraded. Rice/ct,fs: photos added.
Sorghum/gd: photo added. Tannia/st: photo upgraded. Taro/pt,ct: photos upgraded.
Wheat/us: photo added. Yam/it,ct: photo upgraded.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar beet/it,hb: photo replaced; ../us,pt,pc,lf: photo added ;
../pc,hb: text added.
- 479 photos (= +3 since previous version).
- If a quiz on crops from one commodity group only is chosen, this group now
remains indicated during playing.
- 251 crops.
- 1916 pictures (= +40 since previous version).
- Pictures added: Banana, Borecole (under Collard), Brussels sprouts, Cacao,
Calopo, Chicory, Crotalaria, Ensete, Grapefruit, Groundnut, Kenaf, Linseed,
Longan, Niger seed, Papaya, Pea, Pearl millet, Rice, Sheabutter, Sorghum, Sugar
beet, Sugar cane, Sunflower, Sunn hemp, Tannia, Tropical kudzu, Tung,
Watermelon, Wheat.
- Pictures upgraded: Arabica coffee, Cacao, Cotton - upland, Mango, Oil palm,
Rice, Robusta coffee, Roselle - fibre, Sunflower, Talinum, Taro.
- Major data additions: Hazelnut (Turkish hazel changed into Hazelnut). Hop.
- Full PROSEA text background reference (223
of of MMMDB-TC's 251 crops will eventually be covered by PROSEA texts): 209
crops (= +8 (Jojoba, Niger seed, Olive, Safflower, Sesame, Sunflower, Teaseed,
- 237 crops (= +8 (Capers, Chicory, Coco plum (a.k.a. Icaco), Grass pea, Nopal,
Pomerac, Sunn hemp, Talinum)).
- Slideshow: 694 photos (= +39) ; error corrected (slide showing harvested
strawberries had caption saying 'cluster yam').
Version 2.07 (fri02nov2001)
- 2656 graphics (= +137 since previous version).
- Photos upgraded from 256-colour gif to full-colour jpg format since previous
version: 5 (still to go: 72).
Screen texts completed: 1139 (= +10 ; still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853
- 1139 = 714).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 16 (= +3
; still to go: 93).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 92 (= +0 ; still to go: 17).
- Auxiliary Plants: Leucaena/it: photos upgraded, ../us: photo added.
- Fruits & Nuts: Banana/hb: photo upgraded ; Citrus/lf: photo added,
../it,hb: photo upgraded ; Melon/us: photo added ; Watermelon/df: photo added.
- Oil Plants: Castor/lf: photo added, ../st: photo added ; Oil palm/ct:
background text on tissue culture added.
- Protein Plants: Chickpea: text completed ; Common bean/us: photo added,
../it,ct: text completed.
- Spices: Capsicum pepper/us: photos added ; Cinnamon/yl: text added ; Clove:
text updated and completed, photos added ; Vanilla: text completed.
- Starch Plants: Potato/lf: photo added.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar cane/if: photo added ; Sugar palm/pc: new photo.
- 476 photos (= +14).
- 251 crops (= -2 since previous version: mushroom species (Champignon and Padi straw mushroom) removed. They
did not fit the higher-plants format of MMDB-TC, and consequently hardly any
information could be filled in).
- 1876 pictures (= +125).
- Pictures added: Amaranth (leaf), Artichoke, Banana, Betel nut, Betel pepper,
Brazil nut, Cacao, Capsicum pepper (hot), Castor, Chicory, Clove, Cluster yam,
Common bean, Custard apple, Durian, Ensete, Feijoa, Fenugreek, Gliricidia,
Leucaena, Lime, Longan, Mandarin, Melon, Nipa palm, Orange, Palmyra palm,
Potato, Pummelo, Rose periwinkle, Sapote, Soursop, Strawberry, Sugar beet, Sugar
cane, Sugar palm, Vanilla.
- Major data additions: Betel peper, Clove, Longan, Parsley.
- Full PROSEA text background reference for
201 of MMMDB-TC's 251 crops (223 of these will eventually be covered by PROSEA
- 229 crops (= +12 (African fan palm, Brazil nut, Celery, Cluster yam, Custard
apple, Elephant grass, Kumquat, Longan, Mandarin, Petai bean, Rose periwinkle,
- Slideshow: 655 photos (= +53).
Version 2.06 (mon14may2001)
- 2519 graphics (= +104 since previous version).
- Photos upgraded from 256-colour gif to full-colour jpg format since previous
version: 11 (still to go: 77).
Screen texts completed: 1131 (still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853 - 1131
= 722).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 13 (still
to go: 96).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 92 (still to go: 17).
- Auxiliary Plants: Flemingia/lf: + photo.
- Beverages & Stimulants: ...
- Elastomer Plants: ...
- Fibre Plants: Kenaf/fl: photo upgraded; ../us: + photo. Roselle/us: + photo.
- Fruits & Nuts: Avocado/cv,lf: + photo. Citrus/cv: + photo. Cashew/ct: +
photo. Melon/lf: + drawing. Sweet almond/it,lf,fs,st: + photo.
- Oil Plants: Olive: + text; ../it,us,ct,hb,lf,fl,st: + photos.
- Protein Plants: Faba bean/it: + photo.
- Spices: Cardamom/us: + photo. Garlic: + drawing.
- Starch Plants: Amaranth/fl: + photos. Maize/fs,st,rt: + photo. Wheat/hb,fs: +
- Sugar Plants: Sugarcane/us,pt: + photo.
- Vegetables: Bitter gourd/fl: + photo. Carrot/hb,fs: + drawing. Lettuce: +
text; ../hb: + drawing. Onion/hb: + drawing. Pak-choi: text completed except
st,rt,df. Petsai/hb: + drawing.
- 462 photos (= +9).
- 1742 pictures (= +75 since previous version).
- Pictures added: Amaranth -grain, Asparagus, Avocado, Bitter gourd, Bottle
gourd, Cardamom, Carrot, Congo jute, Cucumber, Faba bean, Fig, Flemingia,
Garlic, Grecian foxglove, Jackfruit, Kenaf, Leek, Lettuce, Maize, Melon, Mung
bean, Olive, Onion, Pepper, Petsai, Physic nut, Pummelo, Ridged gourd, Roselle -
fibre, Roselle - vegetable, Sugarcane, Sweet almond, Talinum, Tomato, Wax gourd,
Winged bean.
- Pictures upgraded: Carrot, Cashew, Cotton - upland, Kenaf.
- Major data additions: Coca/morphology; Physic nut/morphology; Rose
- Full PROSEA text background reference for
201 of MMMDB-TC's 253 crops (223 of these will eventually be covered by PROSEA
- 217 crops (= +10 (Avocado, Fig-leaf gourd, Fluted pumpkin, Grecian foxglove,
Henequen, Nepal cardamom, Physic nut, Pummelo, Scarlet runner bean, Velvet
- Slideshow: 602 photos (= +38).
Version 2.05 (thu22feb2001)
- 2415 graphics.
- Photos upgraded from 256-colour gif to full-colour jpg format since previous
version: 13 (still to go: 88).
Screen texts completed: 1063 (still to go: 109 crops x 17 screens = 1853 - 1063
= 790).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 13 (still
to go: 96).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology (hb,lf,fl,fs) filled in: 86 (still to go: 23).
- Beverages & Stimulants: Coffee/lf: photo upgraded.
- Fibre Plants: Cotton/gd: photo upgraded.
- Fruits & Nuts: Banana: text completed. Grape/it: text added.
Macadamia/yl,pc: text added. Cashew: text completed except it,pc ; ../us: photo
added. Pineapple/pt,yl: text added.
- Starch Plants: Breadfruit: text completed.
- Sugar Plants: Sugar palm/us,ct,pc,fl,gd,df: photo added, ../fs: photo
replaced; text completed. Sugar cane: text completed. Sugar beet/od,pt: text
- Vegetables: Aubergine/cv : photo added. Cucumber/us,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: text
- 453 photos.
- 1667 pictures (= +16 since previous version).
- Pictures added: Sugar palm, Banana, Aubergine.
- Pictures upgraded: Cottons.
- Major data additions: Mat , Cottons (diseases & pests), Banana (diseases
& pests).
- Full PROSEA text background reference for
173 of MMMDB-TC's 253 crops (223 of these will eventually be covered by PROSEA
- Corrected erratum: Maize, caption with black-seeded cv: chicha morada is not a
beer, but a non-alcoholic beverage.
- 207 crops (added: baobab, cajeput, loquat, naranjilla, water apple, white
- Slideshow: 564 photos (= +15).
Version 2.04 (wed25oct2000)
- 2385 graphics.
- Photos upgraded from 256-colour gif to full-colour jpg format since previous
version: 33 (still to go: 101).
- Borrowed icon
replaced by own
- Crops installed: 109, with - @ 17 info screens per crop - 1853 info screens.
Screen texts completed: 1007 (still to go: 846).
- crops with all 17 textual info screens filled in: 9 (still
to go: 100).
- crops with at least the info screens on uses and main
morphology filled in: 81 (still to go: 28).
- Crops planned: 9 (passion fruit, carambola, coca, kola nut, hemp, rattan,
ramie, gliricidia, pintoi).
- Auxiliary Plants/Centro/hb,lf: photo changed; ../st: photo added ; ../Tropical
kudzu/lf: drawing replaced by photo.
- Beverages & Stimulants/Cacao/pc: text corrected (to make chocolate, cocoa
butter is added to cocoa mass, not to cocoa powder) ; ,,/Coffee/st: photo
- Fibre Plants/Cotton/pc: photo upgraded.
- Fruits & Nuts/Grape/us: photo added ; ../Papaya/hb: photo added ;
../Muskmelon changed into ../Melon ; ../cv: text added ; ../Pistachio/us,fs:
photo added.
- Oil Plants/Coconut/lf: photo upgraded ; ../Castor/gd: text corrected (.. from
the branches.. read: .. from the nodes..) ; ../Oil palm/st: photo upgraded.
- Spices/Clove/ct,pc: photo upgraded ; /Nutmeg/lf: drawing replaced by photo ;
/Cardamom: text completed; ../it,fl: drawing added ; /Cinnamon/it,ct,hb: photo
- Starch Plants/Barley/it,gr,df: photo added, ../od,pt,gr,cv,lf,fl,rt,df: text
added ; ../Maize/us,cv: photos added ; ../Wheat/lf,fl: drawing added,
../it,od,pt,gr,ct,cv,lf,fl,rt: text added ; ../Finger millet/us,hb,lf: photos
added/upgraded; ../Buckwheat/lf: text, graphics and interactivity added ;
../it,us: text added ; ../Taro/us: photo added ; ../Tannia/hb,lf: photo added,
upgraded ; ../Breadfruit/us,cv,pc,fs,st,rt: text added; ../lf,fs,st,df: photos
added ; /Yam/st: photos added.
- Vegetables/Tomato/it,us,hb,fl: photo added, ../it,us: text added ;
../Yard-long bean/ct: photo changed ; ../Mammoth squash entry changed into the
more generic entry ../Pumpkins, ../it,us,ct,yl,cv,hb,lf,fs,gd: photos added,
../it,us,cv,hb,lf,fl,fs,st,rt: text added.
- Crops featuring in CropQuizzz made consistent with the ones featuring, or
planned to feature, in CropTutor.
NEW: Crop answering buttons
enlarged and alphabetized top-to-bottom (was left-to-right).
- 'Mammoth squash' entry replaced by 'Pumpkin, Squash' entry.
- Exit and Xs2all buttons now available also during quiz.
- 448 photos.
- Muskmelon entry changed into a cultivar under the new more generic entry
- Seminole pumpkin entry changed into a cultivar under the new more generic
entry Musk pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata).
- Ayote entry changed into the new more generic entry Cushaw (Cucurbita
- Passionfruit (Passiflora edulis) entry changed into Passionfruit(s) (Passiflora
spp.) entry.
- 1651 pictures (= +68 since previous version).
- Pictures added: annatto, arrowroot, barley, buckwheat, cacao, cardamom,
centro, chayote, cinnamon, clove, clusterbean, common cabbage, cush-cush yam,
durian, faba bean, fig, finger millet, grape, guava, maize, mammoth squash,
Manila hemp, musk pumpkin, nutmeg, papaya, passionfruits, rice, roselle, sesame,
tannia, taro, tomato, wheat, white Guinea yam, yard-long bean.
- Pictures upgraded: breadfruit, centro, clusterbean, coconut, coffee, mango,
oil palm, pistachio, plantain, sunnhemp, taro, tropical kudzu, upland cotton.
- Major data additions: bilimbi (leaf), carambola (leaf), cardamom, cinnamon,
clusterbean (nomenclature, morphology), melon (nomenclature), pumpkins
(nomenclature, morphology).
- Full PROSEA text background reference for
161 of MMMDB-TC's 253 crops (223 of these will eventually be covered by PROSEA
- 201 crops (added: akee, annatto, araz , breadnut, clusterbean, drumstick
tree, faba bean, Manila hemp, lablab, pumpkin, tomato, tropical kudzu, white
cabbage, white Guinea yam).
- Slideshow: 549 photos (= +53).
Version 2.03.07 (tue23may2000)
- 2279 graphics.
- Photos upgraded since previous version from gif to full-colour jpg format: 2
(to go: 134).
- Starch Plants/Pearl millet/fl: photo upgraded.
- Beverages & Stimulants/Tobacco/fs: photo upgraded.
- Fruits & Nuts/Grape/fs: photo added.
- Oil Plants/Olive/lf: photo added ;../od,rt: text added.
- ,, /Castor/gd: photo added ; ../rt,gd,df: text added.
- Auxiliary Plants/Flemingia/it,hb: photo upgraded.
- 428 photos.
- Pearl millet: photo inflorescence upgraded; botanical name updated.
- 1583 pictures (= +22 since previous version).
- Pictures added: castor, clove, grape, jackfruit, kat, olive, passionfruit,
patchouli, ramie, tamarind, tobacco, white sandalwood.
- Pictures upgraded: cacao, flemingia, mango, tobacco.
- Data added: anatto, castor, flemingia, illip , olive, pearl millet, white
- 187 crops (added: jackbean, melinjo, patchouli, pitaya, white sandalwood).
- Slideshow: 496 photos (= +17).
Version 2.03.06 (wed15mar2000)
- 2248 graphics.
- Photos upgraded from 256-colour gif to full-colour jpg format since previous
version: 27 (to go: 136).
- Glossary massively expanded.
- Starch Plants/Rice/yld: photo upgraded ; /df: photo added.
- ,, /Sago palm/if,st,gd: photos upgraded.
- ,, /Cassava/pt: photo upgraded.
- ,, /Grain amaranth/od,pt,hb,lf,fl,fs: text added.
- Beverages & Stimulants/Cacao/rt: text added.
- ,, /Tea/ct,yld,hb,rt: photos added.
- ,, /Coffee/hb: photo upgraded.
- Spices/Nutmeg/it,yl,hb,fr,fl: photos upgraded/added.
- ,, /Capsicum pepper/fr: photo upgraded.
- Fibre Plants/Kenaf/it,ct: photo upgraded.
- Auxiliary Plants/Centro/ct: text added.
- 425 photos.
- 1561 pictures (= +33 since previous version).
- Pictures added: breadfruit, capsicum pepper, coca, durian, ginger, guaran ,
guinea grass, kenaf, kola nut, maize, nutmeg, rice, soya bean, tea, teaseed,
- Pictures upgraded: arabica coffee, cassava, kenaf, nutmeg, rice, robusta
coffee, sago palm.
- Data added: bottle gourd, buckwheat, cacao, centro, chayote, cherimoya,
cucumber, custard apple, durian, guaran , guinea grass, hungry rice,
jimsonweed, job's tears, kola nut, neem, nutmeg, peach palm, soya bean, teaseed,
tef, winged bean.
- Fixed: Manual mode / Mangosteen: file 0093084kk.jpg should be 0093084k.jpg.
- 182 crops.
- Slideshow: 479 photos.
Version 2.03.05 (10dec1999)
- 2211 graphics.
- Photos upgraded from 256-colour gif to full-colour jpg format since previous
version: 22 (to go: 163).
- Permission obtained to include material from PROSEA
publications in TropCrop.
- 74 crops operational, 8 of which with comprehensive info on each screen.
- Fixed: Beverages & Stimulents/Opening Screen: Version and author label
remained visible on Info Screen.
Starch plants/Plantain/rt: clickable 'Main crops' in header.
- Fruits & nuts/Papaya/it,hb: graphic upgraded ; ,,/Banana/df: text and
pictures added.
- Spices/Mustard/it: text completed ; ,,/Pepper: text completed ; lf: graphic
- Starch plants/Tannia/df: graphic changed; /it: graphic upgraded ;
,,/Plantain/it,hb: graphic added ; ,,/Sweet potato/it,pt,ct,cv: photo upgraded ;
/it,ct,df: text completed.
- Sugar plants/Sugar palm/st: photo added.
- Protein plants/Cowpea/it: text edited.
- 421 photos.
- Fixed: unnecessary redrawing of graphic when same graphic is selected from
drop-down menu.
- "Click image for full-size view" notice added for images that are
shrunk to fit in the allotted place for graphics.
- Data added: banana, brazilnut, cowpea, crambe, ginger, Indian colza, illip ,
Indian rape, maize, mangosteen, plantain, rambutan, style, sugar palm, sweet
potato; all spices, most vegetables.
- Pictures added: banana, Congo jute, cowpea, crambe, ginger, illip ,
mangosteen, papaya, pepper, plantain, stylo, sugar palm, sugar sorghum, sweet
potato, tannia.
- 1528 pictures (= +27 since previous version).
- Pictures upgraded: banana, rice, sago palm.
- 179 crops.
- Slideshow: 456 photos.
Version 2.03.04 (13oct1999)
- 2186 graphics.
- Photos still to upgrade from gif to jpg format: 185.
- INFO sections: crops contributed to added in acknowledgement section.
- Glossary entries: 364
- Data added on grevillea, sesame, rice, grape.
- 1501 pictures (= +17 since previous version).
- Data added on grevillea, true aloe, jackfruit, bilimbi, carambola, peach,
guava, snakegourd, soursop, pearl millet.
- Choice added of white or black background screenprint in single-picture
blow-up screen.
- 417 photos.
- 178 crops.
- Slideshow: 446 photos.
Version 2.03.03 (09sep1999)
- INFO sections: available portraits added to acknowledgements section.
- 109 crops, each with 17 info screens and 2 recap screens.
-- 74 crops operational, 7 of which with comprehensive info on each screen.
-- 35 under construction.
- Language code button added to 1st pages.
- 253 crops (= -1 since previous version: sweet lime (Citrus limetta) removed).
- 1484 pictures (= +52 since previous version).
- Possibility added of viewing the sources of data field contents (right click
on data field label).
- 177 crops.
- Slideshow:
Version 2.03.01 (21jun1999)
- 2148 graphics.
- 628 text files.
- 414 photos.
- 1432 pictures.
- 174 crops.
- Slideshow: 433 photos.
Version 2.02.11 (05feb1999)
- 2021 graphics.
- 1329 pictures.
- 4 video clips.
- 161 crops.
- Slideshow: 376 photos.
Version 2.02.09 (10dec1998)
- 3 animations.
- 627 text files.
- 1991 graphics.
- CropQuizzz for each commodity group; automated crop selection from general
- CropCompare: 6 questions.
- 254 crops.
- 1305 pictures.
- 3 video clips.
- 157 crops.
- Slideshow: 382 photos.
Version 2.02.08 (08nov1998)
Version ?????
- commodity groups treated reduced to 11.
Version 18april1997
- 1 animation.
- 423 text files.
- 1314 graphics.
- 285 photos.
- 252 crops.
- 944 pictures.
- 3 video clips.
- 16 commodity groups.
Updated: fri07feb2025